20250325(rc): - Linux 6.12.20 - systemd 255.18 - Mesa 25.0.2 - kf6 6.12.0 202500320: - Linux 6.12.19 - firmware-linux 20250311 - gnome 48.0 - enlightenment 0.27.1 20250312: - Linux 6.12.18 - Mesa 25.0.1 - gnome 47.5 - jeos-systemd: use systemd in installer 20250305: - Linux 6.12.17 - NetworkManager 1.52.0 - gnome 47.5 20250226: - Linux 6.12.16 20250219: - Linux 6.12.15 - firmware-linux 20250211 - firefox 135.0 - gnome 47.4 - live desktop: boot systemd in installer 20250205: - Linux 6.12.12 - xfce 4.20.3 20250129: - Linux 6.12.11 - Mesa 24.3.4 - installer: use pkexec for launch on desktop (native wayland support) 20250122: - Linux 6.12.10 - make-initrd-2.51.0 - rootfs: resize rootfs with make-initrd-kickstart - alterator-browser-qt6 20250115: - Linux 6.12.9 - firmware-linux 20250109 - systemd 255.16 - gnome 47.3 - live: add install from desktop 20250108: - Linux 6.12.8 - Mesa 24.3.3 20250101: - Linux 6.12.7 - NetworkManager 1.50.1 20241225: - Linux 6.12.6 - make-initrd 2.50.0 - Mesa 24.3.2 20241218: - Linux 6.12.5 - cinnamon 6.4.2 - xfce 4.20.0 - installer: add step for set hostname 20241211: - Linux 6.12.4 - Mesa 24.3.1 - cinnamon 6.4.0 - desktops: remove etcnet 20241204: - Linux 6.12.1 - Mesa 24.2.8 - Firefox 133 20241127: - Linux 6.6.63 - gnome 47.2 - kde plasma 6.2.3 - Desktop: remove etcnet 20241120: - Linux 6.6.62 - Mesa 24.2.7 20241113: - Linux 6.6.60 - firmware-linux 20241110 - lxqt 2.1 20241106: - Mesa 24.2.6 - gcc14-14.2.1 20241030: - qt 6.7.2 - do'nt use alterator-manager by default 20241023: - Linux 6.6.57 - one kernel flavour 6.6 - firmware-linux 20241018 - Mesa 24.2.5 - gnome 47.1 - mate 1.28.4 - xfce 4.19.5 - use alterator-manager by default 20241016: - Linux 6.1.112 / 6.6.56 - systemd 255.13 - NetworkManager 1.50.0 20241009: - Linux 6.1.112 / 6.6.54 - Mesa 24.2.4 - firefox 131 - xfce 4.19.4 20241002: - Linux 6.1.112 / 6.6.53 - exclude startup from image with systemd 20240925: - Linux 6.1.111 / 6.6.52 - systemd 255.12 - Mesa 24.2.2 - gnome 47 20240918: - Linux 6.1.110 / 6.6.51 - Mesa 24.2.2 20240911: - Linux 6.1.109 / 6.6.50 - Mesa 24.1.7 - NetworkManager 1.49.90 - Firefox 130 - jeos-systemd: initial build rootfs 20240904: - Linux 6.1.107 / 6.6.48 - mkimage-profiles 1.6.8 - systemd 255.11 20240828: - mkimage-profiles 1.6.7 20240821: - Linux 6.1.106 / 6.6.47 - kde5 to archive; new iso kde with kde6 - make-initrd 2.49.0 - Mesa 24.1.6 - python3 3.12.5 20240814: - firefox 129.0 - grub 2.12 - NetworkManager 1.48.8 20240807: - Linux 6.1.103 / 6.6.44 - Mesa 24.1.5 - gnome 46.4 20240731: - Linux 6.1.102 / 6.6.43 - systemd 255.10 20240724: - Linux 6.1.100 / 6.6.41 - make-initrd 2.48.1 - Mesa 24.1.4 20240717: - Linux 6.1.99 / 6.6.40 - systemd 255.9 - make-initrd 2.48.0 - Firefox 128 20240710: - Linux 6.1.97 / 6.6.38 - Mesa 21.1.3 - lxqt 2.0 20240702: - Linux 6.1.95 / 6.6.35 - pipewire 1.2.0 - NetworkManager 1.48.2 - gnome 46.3 20240626: - Linux 6.1.95 / 6.6.35 - make-initrd 2.47.0 - systemd 255.8 - Mesa 21.1.2 - cinnamon 6.2.2 - firefox 127.0.1 20240619: - Linux 6.1.94 / 6.6.34 - firmware-linux 20240612 - cinnamon 6.2.0 - icewm 3.6.0 20240612: - firmware-linux 20240604 - Mesa 21.1.1 - firefox 127.0 - xfce 4.19.5 - NetworkManager 1.48.0 20240605: - gnome 46.2 20240529: - Linux 6.1.92 / 6.6.32 - make-initrd 2.46.0 - Mesa 24.0.8 - systemd 255.6 - kde5: 5.116.0 / 5.27.11 / 23.08.5 20240522: - Linux 6.1.91 / 6.6.31 - Firefox 126 - shim-signed 15.8 - i586 to archive (do not build more) 20240515: - firmware-linux 20240510 - Mesa 24.0.7 20240508: - Linux 6.1.90 / 6.6.30 20240501: - Linux 6.1.89 / 6.6.29 - Mesa 24.0.6 20240424: - usr-merge - Linux 6.1.87 / 6.6.28 - firmware-linux 20240419 20240417: - Linux 6.1.86 / 6.6.27 - Mesa 24.0.5 - make-initrd 2.45.0 20240410: - Linux 6.1.84 / 6.6.25 - firmware-linux 20240405 - xorg-server 21.1.12 20240403: - Linux 6.1.83 / 6.6.23 - Mesa 24.0.4 20240327: - firmware-linux 20240322 - Firefox 124 - add kernel-headers to disk - live: disable ldconfig.service 20240320: - Linux 6.1.82 / 6.6.22 - Mesa 24.0.3 - gnome 46 20240313: - Linux 6.1.81 / 6.6.21 - icewm 3.4.6 - kde5: 5.115.0 / 5.27.11 / 23.08.5 20240306: - Linux 6.1.80 / 6.6.20 - Mesa 24.0.2 - mate 1.28.0 20240228: - Linux 6.1.79 / 6.6.18 - make-initrd 2.44.0 - qt6 6.6.2 - NetworkManager 1.46.0 - Firefox 123 20240221: - Linux 6.1.78 / 6.6.17 - Mesa 24.0.1 - kde5: 5.115.0 / 5.27.10 / 23.08.5 20240214: - Linux 6.1.75 / 6.6.16 - make-initrd 2.43.0 - Mesa 24.0.0 - kde5: 5.115.0 / 5.27.10 / 23.08.4 20240207: - Linux 6.1.75 / 6.6.15 - Mesa 23.3.5 - systemd-254.9 20240130: - Linux 6.1.74 / 6.6.14 - Mesa 23.3.4 - Firefox 122.0 - qt5 5.15.12 20240124: - Linux 6.1.73 / 6.6.13 - Mesa 23.3.3 - make-initrd 2.42.0 - xorg-server 21.1.11 - installer: without remount step 20240117: - Linux 6.1.73 / 6.6.12 - firmware-linux 20240111 20240110: - mkimage-profiles 1.5.16 - Linux 6.1.71 / 6.6.10 - firmware-linux 20240105 - cinnamon 6.0.4 - gnome 45.3 - icewm 3.4.5 20240103: - Linux 6.1.70 / 6.6.9 - make-initrd 2.40.0 - Mesa 23.3.2 - cinnamon 6.0.3 20231227: - Linux 6.1.69 / 6.6.8 - cinnamon 6.0.2 20231220: - Mesa 23.3.1 20231213: - Linux 6.1.67 / 6.6.6 - firmware-linux 20231205 - qt5 5.15.11, qt6 6.6.1 20231205: - Linux 6.1.65 / 6.6.4 - firmware-linux 20231204 - Mesa 23.3.0 - cinnamon 6.0 - gnome 45.2 - icewm: add mount-tray, remove spacefm 20231129: - qt5 5.15.11 - Firefox 120 - pipewire 1.0 20231122: - Linux 6.1.63 / 6.5.12 - firmware-linux 20231115 - kde5: 5.112.0 / 5.27.9 / 23.08.3 20231115: - Linux 6.1.62 / 6.5.11 - firefox 119 - qt 6.6 - kde5: 5.111.0 / 5.27.9 / 23.08.3 20231108: - Linux 6.1.61 / 6.5.10 - make-initrd 2.39.0 - lxqt 1.4 - gnome 45.1 - kde5: add plasma5-discover - icewm 3.4.4 - replace pulseaudio with pipewire 20231101: - Linux 6.1.60 / 6.5.9 - xorg-server 21.1.9 - firmware-linux 20231026 20231025: - Linux 6.1.59 / 6.5.8 - firmware-linux 20231019 20231018: - Linux 6.1.58 / 6.5.7 - firmware-linux 20231006 - gnome: add fonts-ttf-lxgw-wenkai 20231011: - Linux 6.1.57 / 6.5.7 - firmware-linux 20231004 - NetworkManager 1.44.2 - Mesa 23.2.1 20231004: - firmware-linux 20230926 - firefox 118 - xfce 4.18.5 20230927: - Linux 6.1.55 / 6.5.5 - firmware-linux 20230918 - Mesa 23.1.8 - gnome 45.0 - Chromium 117 20230920: - Linux 6.1.53 / 6.4.16 - kde5: 5.110.0 / 5.27.8 / 23.04.3 - gnome 44.5 20230913: - Linux 6.1.52 / 6.4.15 - firmware-linux 20230907 - kde5: 5.110.0 / 5.27.6 / 23.04.3 - lxde: do not build more, replace to archive - net-install: do not build more on i586 20230906: - Linux 6.1.51 / 6.4.14 - firmware-linux 20230831 - kde5: 5.109.0 / 5.27.6 / 23.04.3 - Firefox 117 20230830: - Linux 6.1.47 / 6.4.12 - gnome 44.4 20230823: - Linux 6.1.46 / 6.4.11 - Mesa 23.1.6 - make-initrd 2.38.0 - Firefox 116 - Chromium 116 20230816: - Linux 6.1.45 / 6.4.10 - firmware-linux 20230814 - systemd 253.8 - WindowMaker 0.96.0 20230809: - Linux 6.1.43 / 6.4.8 - Mesa 23.1.5 - iso: add shell.efi, memtest.efi 20230802: - Linux 6.1.42 / 6.4.7 - systemd-253.7 - make-initrd 2.37.0 - rescue: add libldm 20230726: - Linux 6.1.40 / 6.4.5 - icewm 3.4.1 - Mesa 23.1.4 20230719: - Linux 6.1.38 / 6.4.3 - kde5: 5.108.0 / 5.27.6 / 23.04.3 - xorriso 1.5.6 20230712: - Linux 6.1.38 / 6.3.12 - firmware-linux 20230705 - Firefox 115 - cinnamon 5.8.4 - kde5: 5.107.0 / 5.27.6 / 23.04.2 20230705: - Linux 6.1.37 / 6.3.11 - glibc 2.37.0, util-linux 2.39.1 - systemd 253.5 - set theme bgrt-alt for plymouth 20230628: - Linux 6.1.35 / 6.3.9 - Mesa 23.1.3 - rename gnome3 -> gnome - increase size gnome.iso (2G -> 1.5G) - all: remove eepm 20230621: - Linux 6.1.34 / 6.3.8 - python 3.11.4 - cinnamon 5.8.2 - kde5: 5.106.0 / 5.27.5 / 23.04.2 20230614: - Linux 6.1.33 / 6.3.7 - firmware-linux 20230607 - python 3.11.0 - firefox 114.0.1 - cinnamon 5.8 - kde5: 5.106.0 / 5.27.5 / 23.04.1 20230607: - Linux 6.1.32 / 6.3.6 - Mesa 23.0.4 20230531: - Linux 6.1.31 / 6.3.5 20230524: - Linux 6.1.29 / 6.2.16 - icewm 3.3.5 - jeos: add btrfs support (ALT bug 46212) - gnome: removed gnome-flashback, firefox 20230517: - Linux 6.1.28 / 6.2.15 - firmware-linux 20230515 - mate 1.26.1 - kde5: 5.106.0 / 5.27.5 / 22.12.2 20230510: - Linux 6.1.27 / 6.2.13 - firefox 113.0 - icewm 3.3.4 20230503: - Linux 6.1.26 / 6.2.13 - gnustep 1.29.0 - Mesa 23.0.3 20230426: - Linux 5.15.108 / 6.2.12 - firmware-linux 20230418 - Mesa 23.0.3 20230419: - mkimage-profiles 1.5.4 - Linux 5.15.107 / 6.2.11 - Firefox 112.0 - lxqt 1.3.0 20230412: - Linux 5.15.106 / 6.2.10 - firmware-linux 20230403 - Mesa 23.0.2 20230405: - Linux 5.15.105 / 6.2.9 - xorg-server 21.1.8 - mate-desktop 1.26.1 - xfce4 4.18.3 20230329: - Linux 5.15.104 / 6.1.21 - firmware-linux 20230320 - Mesa 23.0.1 20230322: - Linux 5.15.103 / 6.1.15 - Mesa 22.3.7 - firmware-linux 20230313 - icewm 3.3.2 - gnome 44 - kde5: 5.104.0 / 5.27.3 / 22.12.2 20230308: - Linux 5.15.98 / 6.1.15 - make-initrd2.35.0 - systemd 252.7 - libgtk4 4.10 20230328: - Linux 5.15.96 / 6.1.14 - Mesa 22.3.6 20230222: - mkimage-profiles 1.5.2 - firmware-linux 20230215 - systemd 252.6 20230215: - Linux 5.15.94 / 6.1.12 - systemd 252.5 - Mesa 22.3.4 - xfce4 4.18.2 20230208: - Linux 5.15.92 / 6.1.10 - xorg-server 21.1.7 - kde5: 5.102.0 / 5.26.5 / 22.12.2 20230201: - firmware-linux 20230124 - Mesa 22.3.4 - NetworkManager 1.40.12 20230125: - Linux 5.15.90 / 6.1.8 - firmware-linux 20230117 - Firefox 109 - qt5 5.15.8 20230118: - Linux 5.15.88 / 6.1.6 - firmware-linux 20230110 - Mesa 22.3.3 - chromium 109 - cinnamon 5.6.5 - gnustep 1.29.0 20230111: - Linux 5.15.86 / 6.0.18 - firmware-linux 20230104 20230104: - make-initrd 2.34.0 - Mesa 22.3.2 20221228: - Linux 5.15.85 / 6.0.15 - firmware-linux 20221216 - systemd 251.10 20221221: - Linux 5.15.84 / 6.0.14 - firmware-linux 20221213 - Mesa 22.3.1 - Firefox 108.0.1 - NetworkManager 1.40.8 - kde5: 5.101.0 / 5.26.2 / 22.08.3 - xfce: 4.18.0 20221214: - Linux 5.15.82 / 6.0.12 - gnome 43.2 - icewm 3.2.3 20221207: - Linux 5.15.81 / 6.0.11 - Mesa 22.3.0 - NetworkManager 1.40.6 - make-initrd 2.33.0 - Chromium 108 - cinnamon 5.6.4 20221130: - Linux 5.15.80 / 6.0.10 - firmware-linux 20221123 20221123: - Linux 5.15.78 / 6.0.9 - firmware-linux 20221110 - Mesa 22.2.4 - cinnamon 5.6.0 - qt5 5.15.7 - kde5: 5.100.0 / 5.26.2 / 22.08.3 - icewm 3.2.2 - NetworkManager 1.40.4 - Firefox 107.0 - Chromium 107 20221116: - Linux 5.15.78 / 6.0.8 - firmware-linux 20221109 - systemd 251.8 - icewm 3.2.1 - kde5: 5.99.0 / 5.26.2 / 22.08.3 20221109: - Linux 5.15.77 / 6.0.7 - firmware-linux 20221031 - systemd 251.7 - make-initrd 2.32.1 - Mesa 22.2.3 - icewm 3.2.0 - lxqt 1.2.0 - jeos: add kernel-modules-drm, firmware-linux to stage1 - jeos: set kernel flavour on un-def 20221102: - Linux 5.15.76 / 6.0.6 - firmware-linux 20221024 - make-initrd 2.32.0 - kde5: 5.99.0 / 5.26.2 / 22.08.2 20221026: - Linux 5.15.74 / 6.0.3 - installer: use vm-ortodox 20221020: - Linux 5.15.74 / 5.19.16 - firmware-linux 20221017 - Mesa 22.2.2 - kde5: 5.99.0 / 5.25.5 / 22.08.2 - NetworkManager 1.40.2 - live: add classic installer - Firefox 106 20221012: - mkimage-profiles 1.4.34 - Linux 5.15.72 / 5.19.14 - make-initrd 2.31.0 - firmware-linux 20220930 - systemd 251.5 - gnustep-sysv: replace gdm2.20 with wdm - chromium 106 20221005: - Linux 5.15.71 / 5.19.13 - firmware-linux 20220928 - gnome: add gnome-flashback again - gnome: replace pulseaudio with pipewire - icewm: 3.0 - use repo ftp.altlinux.org 20220928: - Linux 5.15.70 / 5.19.11 - make-initrd 2.30.0 - firmware-linux 20220927 - Mesa 22.2.0 - gnome: 43, removed gnome-flashback 20220921: - Linux 5.15.68 / 5.19.10 - firmware-linux 20220912 - kde5: 5.98.0 / 5.25.5 / 22.08.1 20220914: - Linux 5.15.67 / 5.19.8 - make-initrd 2.29.0 - kde5: 5.97.0 / 5.25.5 / 22.04.3 - python3 3.10.7 20220907: - mkimage-profiles 1.4.33 - Linux 5.15.65 / 5.19.7 - firmware-linux 20220902 - systemd 251.4 - make-initrd 2.28.0 - chromium 105 - Firefox 104.1 - cinnamon 5.4.12 20220831: - Linux 5.15.63 / 5.19.5 - cinnamon 5.4.11 - NetworkManager 1.40.0 20220824: - Linux 5.15.62 / 5.18.19 - Mesa 21.7 - kde5: 5.97.0 / 5.24.6 / 22.04.3 20220817: - Linux 5.15.61 / 5.18.18 - Mesa 21.6 - gnome 42.4 20220810: - Linux 5.15.59 / 5.18.16 - firmware-linux 20220805 - cinnamon 5.4.9 - icewm 2.9.9 - python3 3.10.6 20220803: - Linux 5.15.58 / 5.18.15 - Firefox 103 - etcnet 0.9.26 20220727: - Linux 5.15.57 / 5.18.14 - mkimage-profiles 1.4.32 - firmware-linux 20220722 - cinnamon 5.4.5 - gnome 42.3 20220720: - Linux 5.15.55 / 5.18.12 - firmware-linux 20220718 - xorg-server 21.1.4 - Mesa 22.1.4 - cinnamon 5.4.2 20220713: - Linux 5.15.54 / 5.18.11 - mkimage-profiles 1.4.31 - make-initrd 2.27.2 - qt5 5.15.4 - kde5: 5.96.0 / 5.24.6 / 22.04.3 20220706: - Linux 5.15.52 / 5.18.9 - firmware-linux 20220704 - Mesa 22.1.3 - Firefox 102 - gnome 42.3 20220629: - Linux 5.15.50 / 5.18.7 - firmware-linux 20220621 - cinnamon 5.4.1 - pulseaudio 16.1 20220622: - Linux 5.15.48 / 5.17.15 - kde5: 5.95.0 / 5.24.5 / 22.04.2 - Mesa 22.1.2 - python3 3.10.5 20220615: - Linux 5.15.46 / 5.17.14 - firmware-linux 20220610 - kde5: 5.94.0 / 5.24.5 / 22.04.2 20220608: - Linux 5.15.45 / 5.17.13 - mkimage-profiles 1.4.30 - Mesa 22.1.1 20220601: - Linux 5.15.44 / 5.17.12 - mkimage 0.2.45 - pulseaudio 16.0 - gnome 42.2 2 20220525: - Linux 5.15.41 / 5.17.9 - Mesa 22.1.0 - desktop: polkit-rule-udisks2-mount - kde5: 5.94.0 / 5.24.5 / 22.04.1 20220518: - Linux 5.15.40 / 5.17.8 - firmware-linux 20220512 - sysvinit 3.00 - lxde: drop deadbeef 20220511: - Linux 5.15.37 / 5.17.6 - firmware-linux 20220509 - Mesa 22.0.3 - Firefox 100 - gnome 42.1 - kde5: 5.93.0 / 5.24.5 / 21.12.3 - icewm 2.9.7 20220504: - Linux 5.15.37 / 5.17.5 - firmware-linux 20220502 - systemd 249.12 - etcnet 0.9.25 - chromium 101 20220427: - Linux 5.15.34 / 5.17.4 - systemd 249.11 - Mesa 22.0.2 20220420: - Linux 5.15.34 / 5.16.20 - mkimage-profiles 1.4.29 - lxqt 1.1.0 - Firefox 99.1 - icewm 2.9.6 - xfs 5.15.0 20220413: - Linux 5.15.33 / 5.16.19 - mkimage-profiles 1.4.28 - Firefox 99 - kde5: 5.93.0 / 5.23.5 / 21.12.3 20220406: - Mesa 22.0.1 - kde5: 5.92.0 / 5.24.4 / 21.12.3 - chromium 100 - xfce 4.17.6 20220330: - Linux 5.15.32 / 5.16.18 - firmware-linux 20220315 - gnome 42 - Firefox 98.0.2 20220323: - Linux 5.15.30 / 5.16.16 - Mesa 21.3.8 - python 3.10.3 - chromium 99 - Firefox 98.0.1 - cinnamon 5.2.7 - gnome 41.5 - kde5: 5.92.0 / 5.23.5 / 21.12.3 20220316: - Linux 5.15.28 / 5.16.14 - firmware-linux 20220309 20220309: - Linux 5.15.27 / 5.16.13 - mkimage-profiles 1.4.27 - firmware-linux 20220303 - make-initrd-2.26.0 - Firefox 98 - kde5: 5.91.0 / 5.23.5 / 21.12.3 - seamonkey 2.53.11 20220302: - Linux 5.15.25 / 5.16.11 - Mesa 21.3.7 - NetworkManager 1.36.0 - kde5: 5.91.0 / 5.23.5 / 21.12.2 - gnome 41.4 20220223: - kde5: 5.91.0 / 5.23.5 / 21.12.0 - NetworkManager 1.35.92 - systemd 249.10 - xorg-server 21.1.3 - firmware-linux 20220218 20220216: - mkimage-profiles 1.4.26 - Linux 5.15.23 / 5.16.9 - make-initrd-2.25.0 - firmware-linux 20220126 - Mesa 21.3.6 - Firefox 97 - kde5: 5.90.0 / 5.23.5 / 21.12.0 - deepin: update packages 20220209: - mkimage-profiles 1.4.25 - Linux 5.10.98 / 5.16.7 - glibc 2.35 - python3 3.10.2 - NetworkManager 1.35.90 - chromium 98 20220202: - Linux 5.10.95 / 5.16.4 - python 3.10 - Mesa 21.3.5 - add installer-feature-serial 20220126: - Linux 5.10.93 / 5.16.2 - Firefox 96.0.2 - firmware-linux-20220124 20220119: - Linux 5.10.92 / 5.15.15 - firmware-linux 20220111 - systemd 249.9 - Mesa 21.3.4 - Firefox 96.0.1 - cinnamon 5.2.7 - gnome 41.3 - kde5: 5.90.0 / 5.23.5 / 21.08.3 20220112: - Linux 5.10.90 / 5.15.11 - chromium 97 - kde5: 5.89.0 / 5.23.4 / 21.08.3 - gnome 41.3 20220105: - mkimage-profiles 1.4.24 - Mesa 21.3.3 - enlightenment 0.25.1 20211229: - Linux 5.10.88 / 5.15.11 - firmware-linux 20211216 - enlightenment 0.25.0 - startup 20211222: - Linux 5.10.85 / 5.15.10 - mkimage-profiles 1.4.23 - xorg-server 1.20.14 - Firefox 95.0.1 - cinnamon 5.2.5 - kde5: 5.89.0 / 5.23.4 / 21.08.3 20211215: - Linux 5.10.85 / 5.15.6 - mkimage-profiles 1.4.22 - Firefox 95 - gnome 41.2 - exclude acpid from image with systemd 20211208: - Linux 5.10.83 / 5.15.6 - Mesa 21.3.1 - kde5: 5.88.0 / 5.23.4 / 21.08.3 - cinnamon 5.2.1 - python 3.9.9 20211201: - Linux 5.10.82 / 5.15.5 - firmware-linux 20211123 - icewm 2.9.0 - xfsprogs 5.14.0 20211124: - Linux 5.10.81 / 5.14.21 - mkimage 0.2.44 - firmware-linux-20211115 - systemd 249.7 - gnome 41 - libgtk4 4.4.1 - Mesa 21.3.0 - virtualbox-guest-additions 6.1.30 20211117: - Linux 5.10.79 / 5.14.18 - mkimage-profiles 1.4.20 - systemd 249.6 - kde5: 5.88.0 / 5.23.3 / 21.08.3 20211110: - Linux 5.10.78 / 5.14.17 - lxqt: 1.0 - gnome: 40.6 - kde5: 5.87.0 / 5.23.2 / 21.08.3 - Chromium 95 20211103: - Mesa 21.2.5 20211027: - firmware-linux 20211025 20211020: - Linux 5.10.74 / 5.14.13 - mkimage-profiles 1.4.19 - glibc 2.34 - firmware-linux-20211018 - systemd 249.5 - Mesa 21.2.4 - wayland-1.19.0 - icewm 2.8.0 - kde5: 5.87.0 / 5.22.5 / 21.08.2 20211013: - Linux 5.10.72 / 5.14.11 - Firefox 93 - kde5: 5.85.0 / 5.22.5 / 21.08.2 20211006: - Linux 5.10.70 / 5.14.9 - Mesa 21.2.3 20210929: - Linux 5.10.69 / 5.13.19 - firmware-linux-20210923 - Mesa 21.2.2 - Chromium 94 20210922: - Linux 5.10.66 / 5.13.18 - mkimage-profiles 1.4.18 - make-initrd 2.24.0 - make-initrd-bootchain 0.1.5 - gnome 40.5 20210915: - Linux 5.10.64 / 5.13.16 - firmware-linux 20210913 - make-initrd 2.23.0 - kde5: 5.85.0 / 5.22.5 / 21.08.1 20210908: - Linux 5.10.62 / 5.13.14 - firmware-linux 20210903 20210901: - Linux 5.10.61 / 5.13.13 - mkimage-profiles 1.4.17 - firmware-linux 20210820 - use make-initrd-bootchain instead propagator 20210825: - mkimage-profiles 1.4.16 - Mesa 21.2.1 20210818: - Linux 5.10.59 / 5.13.11 - make-initrd 2.22.0 - NetworkManager 1.32.8 - Firefox 91 - x86_64: add mockutil, pesign - utils for UEFI 20210811: - Linux 5.10.57 / 5.12.19 - mkimage-profiles 1.4.15 - make-initrd 2.20.1 - Mesa 21.2.0 - NetworkManager 1.32.6 - udisks2 2.9.3 - cinnamon 5.0.5 - icewm: 2.7.0 - mate 1.26.0 20210804: - Linux 5.10.54 / 5.12.19 - Update UEFI certificate, signed of shim, kernels - Mesa 21.1.6 - xorg-server 1.20.13 20210728: - Linux 5.10.53 / 5.12.19 - mkimage 0.2.43 - thunar 0.17.4 20210722: - Linux 5.10.52 / 5.12.19 - firmware-linux 20210719 - systemd 249.1 - Mesa 21.1.5 - Firefox 90 - icewm: 2.6.0 - kde5: 5.84.0 / 5.21.4 / 21.04.3 20210714: - Linux 5.10.49 / 5.12.16 - firmware-linux 20210628 - systemd 249 - xorg-server 1.20.12 - Mesa 21.1.4 - NetworkManager 1.32.2 - mkimage-profiles 1.4.14 - gnome3: 40.3 - kde5: 5.83.0 / 5.21.4 / 21.04.1 20210707: - Linux 5.10.47 / 5.12.14 20210630: - Linux 5.10.46 / 5.12.13 - cinnamon: 5.0.3 - icewm: 2.5.0 20210623: - Linux 5.10.45 / 5.12.12 - make-initrd 2.19.1 - Mesa 21.1.3 - NetworkManager 1.32 - cinnamon: 5.0.2 20210616: - Linux 5.10.43 / 5.12.10 - NetworkManager 1.31.90 - lxde: build again - cinnamon, enlightenment: build on x86_64 only 20210609: - Linux 5.10.42 / 5.11.21 - mkimage-profiles 1.4.13 - Mesa 21.1.2 - Firefox 89 - cinnamon: 5.0 - gnome: 40.2 20210602: - systemd 248.3 - xfsprogs 5.12.0 20210526: - Mesa 21.1.1 - mkimage 0.2.41, mkimage-profiles 1.4.12 - firmware-linux 20210518 - kde5: 5.81.0 / 5.21.4 / 21.04.1 20210519: - Linux 5.10.35 / 5.11.21 - Mesa 21.1.0 - mkimage 0.2.41, mkimage-profiles 1.4.11 - make-initrd 2.17.0 - firmware-linux 20210512 - xfce: updated packages 20210512: - Linux 5.10.35 / 5.11.19 - icewm: 2.3.4 20210505: - Linux 5.10.33 / 5.11.18 - Mesa 21.0.3 - gnome3: 40.1 - icewm: 2.3.3 20210428: - Linux 5.10.32 / 5.11.16 - mkimage 0.2.41, mkimage-profiles 1.4.10 20210421: - Linux 5.10.29 / 5.11.15 - Firefox 88 - kde5: 5.81.0 / 5.21.4 / 20.12.3 - lxqt: 0.17; replace xscreensaver with light-locker 20210414: - Linux 5.10.29 / 5.11.13 - make-initrd 2.16.0 - Mesa 21.0.2 - use method=cdrom,fuid for bootloading stage2 20210407: - Linux 5.4.108 / 5.11.11 - icewm: 2.3.1 - mkimage 0.2.41, mkimage-profiles 1.4.9 - use method=disk for bootloading stage2 - make-initrd 2.15.0 - add 3D acceleration support for virtualbox (vmsvga) 20210331: - Linux 5.4.108 / 5.11.10 - Mesa 21.0.1 - make-initrd 2.14.0 - gnome: 40.0 - icewm: 2.2.1 - wmaker: 0.95.9 20210324: - Linux 5.4.107 / 5.11.8 - xfce: two kernels 20210317: - Linux 5.4.105 / 5.10.23 - Mesa 21.0.0 - mkimage-profiles 1.4.8 - iso: replace isolinux with grub-pc - cinnamon: updated packages - kde5: 5.79.0 / 5.20.5 / 20.12.3 20210310: - Linux 5.4.104 / 5.10.22 - make-initrd 2.13.0 20210303: - Linux 5.4.100 / 5.10.19 - python3 3.9.2 - desktop: added alterator-update-kernel, test-audio - Firefox 86 20210224: - Linux 5.4.99 / 5.10.17 20210217: - Linux 5.4.98 / 5.10.15 - NetworkManager 1.29.90 - mkimage 0.2.39, mkimage-profiles 1.4.7 - icewm: 2.1.2 - enlightenment: 0.24.2 20210211: - Linux 5.4.97 / 5.10.15 - systemd 247.3 20210203: - Linux 5.4.94 / 5.10.12 - Mesa 20.3.4 - Firefox 85 - pulseaudio 14.2 - icewm: 2.1.1 20210126: - Linux 5.4.92 / 5.10.10 - mkimage-profiles 1.4.6 - gparted 1.2.0 20210120: - Linux 5.4.90 / 5.10.8 - Mesa 20.3.3 - cinnamon: 4.6.6 - kde5: 5.78.0 / 5.20.5 / 20.12.1 20210113: - Linux 5.4.88 / 5.10.3 - icewm: 2.0.1 - deepin, xfce: updated packages - kde5: 5.78.0 / 5.20.5 / 20.12.0 20210106: - Linux 5.4.85 / 5.10.3 - Mesa 20.3.2 - deepin: updated packages 20201230: - Linux 5.4.85 / 5.10.2 - kde5: 5.77.0 / 5.20.4 / 20.12.0 - xfce: 4.16 20201223: - Linux 5.4.85 / 5.10.1 - glibc 2.32 - grub 2.0.4 - Mesa 20.3.1 - systemd 247.2 - Firefox 84 - icewm: 2.0.0; switch to firefox 20201216: - Linux 5.4.83 / 5.9.8 20201209: - Linux 5.4.82 / 5.9.8 - Mesa 20.3.0 - mkimage-profiles 1.4.5 - systemd 247.1 20201202: - linux-pam 1.5.1 - cinnamon: 4.8.0 - deepin: initial build - xfce: updated packages 20201125: - Linux 5.4.80 / 5.9.8 - Mesa 20.2.3 - Firefox 83 - grub-efi for bootloading iso images - gnome3: 3.38.1 - icewm-sysv: Chromium 87 20201118: - Linux 5.4.77 / 5.9.8 - icewm-sysv: 1.9.2 - xfce4: updated packages - switch to grub-efi in ISO 20201111: - Linux 5.4.75 / 5.9.7 - Mesa 20.2.2 - icewm-sysv: 1.9.1 20201104: - Linux 5.4.74 / 5.9.3 - icewm-sysv: 1.9.0 20201028: - mkimage-profiles 1.4.4 - Firefox 82 - gnome3: 3.38.1 packages 20201021: - Linux 5.4.72 / 5.9.1 20201014: - Linux 5.4.70 / 5.8.14 20201007: - Linux 5.4.69 / 5.8.13 - make-initrd 2.11.0 - NetworkManager 1.18.10 20200930: - images built using mkimage-profiles 1.4.3 - Linux 5.4.68 / 5.8.12 - Mesa 20.2.0 - perl 5.30.2 - Firefox 81 - gnome3: 3.38.0 20200923: - Linux 5.4.65 / 5.8.10 - Mesa 20.1.8 - systemd 246.6 - icewm-sysv: 1.8.3 - icewm-sysv, xfce: switch to kernel-image-un-def 20200916: - Linux 5.4.62 / 5.8.8 - qt 5.15.1 - icewm-sysv, xfce: switch to kernel-image-std-def - xfce: 4.15.0 20200909: - Linux 5.4.62 / 5.7.19 - cinnamon: 4.6.7 20200902: - images built using mkimage-profiles 1.4.2 - Linux 5.4.61 / 5.7.19 - xorg-server 1.20.9 - Firefox 80 20200826: - Linux 5.4.60 / 5.7.14 20200819: - images built using mkimage-profiles 1.4.1 - Firefox 79 - qt5 5.15 20200812: - Linux 5.4.57 / 5.7.14 - gnome3: evolution 3.36.5; updated packages 20200805: - Linux 5.4.55 / 5.7.11 - systemd 246 20200729: - Linux 5.4.53 / 5.7.10 - make-initrd 2.9.0 - systemd 245.7 - Mesa 20.1.4 - mc 4.8.25 - enlightenment: 0.24.2; terminology 1.8.0 - xfce: xfwm4 4.14.3 20200722: - make-initrd 2.8.3 - Firefox 78.0.2 - icewm: 1.7.0 20200715: - Linux 5.4.51 / 5.7.8 - make-initrd 2.8.2 - Mesa 20.1.3 - gnome3: 3.36.4 20200708: - Linux 5.4.50 / 5.7.7 - make-initrd 2.8.1 - Mesa 20.1.2 - Firefox 78.0.1 - cinnamon: 4.6.6 20200701: - Firefox 77.0.1 - cinnamon: 4.6.5 20200624: - Linux 5.4.48 / 5.7.5 - gnome3: updated packages 20200617: - Linux 5.4.46 / 5.7.2 - Mesa 20.1.1 20200610: - Linux 5.4.45 / 5.7.1 - linux-pam 1.4.0 - iproute2 5.7.0 - systemd 245.6 - gnome3: 3.36.3 - icewm: 1.6.6 - lxqt: 0.15.1 20200603: - Linux 5.4.43 / 5.6.15 - make-initrd 2.7.0 - Mesa 20.1.0 - NetworkManager 1.18.6 - cinnamon: 4.6.2 - enlightenment: 0.24.1; efl 1.24.2 - gnome3: evolution 3.36.3; updated packages - icewm-sysv: Chromium 83 20200527: - Linux 5.4.41 / 5.6.13, virtualbox additions 6.1.8 - cinnamon: 4.6.1 20200520: - Linux 5.4.41 / 5.6.13 - Mesa 20.0.7 - cinnamon: 4.6.0 - kde5: 5.70.0 / 5.18.5 / 19.12.3 20200513: - Linux 5.4.40 / 5.6.12 - Firefox 76.0.1 - kde5: 5.69.0 / 5.18.5 / 19.12.3 - jeos-sysv: use kernel-image-std-def 20200506: - Linux 5.4.36 / 5.5.19 - Mesa 20.0.6 - systemd 245.5 - gnome3: 3.36.2 20200429: - Linux 5.4.35 / 5.5.19 - Mesa 20.0.5 - gnome3: 3.36.2 packages - lxqt: 0.15.0 20200423: - Linux 5.4.32 / 5.5.17, virtualbox additions 6.1.6 - Firefox 75 - Qt 5.12.8 - kde5: 5.69.0 / 5.18.4 / 19.12.3 20200415: - Linux 5.4.31 / 5.5.16 - added dmidecode - icewm-sysv: Chromium 81 20200408: - Mesa 20.0.4 - make-initrd 2.6.0 20200401: - Linux 5.4.28 / 5.5.13 - xorg-server 1.20.8 - python3 3.8.2 - gnome3: 3.36.1 packages - lxde: updated packages 20200325: - Linux 5.4.27 / 5.5.11 - systemd 245.2 - Mesa 20.0.2 - icewm: 1.6.5 - kde5: 5.68.0 / 5.18.3 / 19.12.3 - mate: more 1.24 packages 20200318: - Linux 5.4.25 / 5.5.9 - Firefox 74 - gnome3: 3.36.0 - kde5: 5.67.0 / 5.18.3 / 19.12.3 20200311: - Linux 5.4.24 / 5.5.8 - systemd 245 - Mesa 20.0.1 - python3 3.8.1 - ppp 2.4.8 - gnome3, kde5: cups 2.3.1 - icewm: Chromium 80 20200304: - Linux 5.4.23 / 5.5.7 - Firefox 73.0.1 - mate: 1.24.0 20200226: - Linux 5.4.21 / 5.5.5 - Mesa 20.0.0 - Qt 5.12.7 - iproute2 5.5.0, iptables 1.8.4+ - kde5: 5.67.0 / 5.17.5 / 19.12.2 20200219: - Linux 5.4.19 / 5.5.3 - Mesa 19.3.4 - change ntp client to chrony - switch to lightdm-gtk-greeter by default - gnome3: epiphany 3.34.4; updated packages - kde5: 5.66.0 / 5.17.5 / 19.12.2 - lxqt: replace sddm with lightdm-gtk-greeter 20200211: - Linux 4.19.102 / 5.5.1 - desktop: replace imagewriter with altmediawriter 20200205: - Linux 4.19.99 / 5.4.17 - Firefox 72.0.2 - xfce: thunar 1.8.12 - rescue, live: added system-backup (script) 20200129: - Linux 4.19.99 / 5.4.13 - kde5: 5.65.0 / 5.17.5 / 19.12.1 - gnome3, kde5: x86_64 only - icewm: 1.6.4 - kde5: 5.66.0 / 5.17.5 / 19.12.1 - wmaker: not built anymore, use gnustep instead (it's a superset) 20200122: - Linux 4.19.97 / 5.4.13 - jeos-sysv: added EFI support (grub-efi) for x86_64 - kde5: 5.66.0 / 5.17.5 / 19.08.3 20200115: - Linux 4.19.95 / 5.4.11 - xorg-server 1.20.7 - cinnamon: updated packages - kde5: 5.65.0 / 5.17.5 / 19.08.3 20200108: - Linux 4.19.93 / 5.4.8 - gnome3: 3.34.3 packages 20200101: - happy New Year! - icewm 1.6.3 - jeos: add kms support for stage2 20191225: - Linux 4.19.91 / 5.4.6 - systemd 244.1 - Mesa 19.2.8 - Qt 5.12.6 - gnome3: abiword 3.0.4 - icewm: Chromium 79 - kde5: 5.65.0 / 5.17.4 / 19.08.3 20191218: - Linux 4.19.89 / 5.4.3 - cinnamon: 4.4.1; updated packages - gnome3: 3.34.2 20191211: - Linux 4.19.88 / 5.3.15 - systemd 244 - Mesa 19.2.7 - Firefox 71 - kde5: 5.64.0 / 5.17.4 / 19.08.3 - renamed: {gnustep,icewm,jeos,wmaker} -> *-sysv - jeos-sysv: switch to grub - create symlinks: /var/run -> ../run, /var/lock -> ../run/lock 20191204: - Linux 4.19.86 / 5.3.14 - cinnamon: 4.4.0 - gnome3: gtk+3 3.24.13 - kde5: more 19.08.3 packages 20191127: - Linux 4.19.86 / 5.3.13 - Mesa 19.2.6 - gnome3: 3.34.2 packages - kde5: more 19.08.3 packages 20191120: - Linux 4.19.84 / 5.3.10 - make-initrd 2.3.0 - Mesa 19.2.4 - images built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.15+ - kde5: 5.64.0 / 5.17.3 / 19.08.3 - xfce: thunar 1.8.11 20191113: - Linux 4.19.81 / 5.3.10 - glibc 2.30 - Mesa 19.2.3 - Firefox 70.0.1 - ModemManager 1.12.0 - icewm: Chromium 78 - kde5: 5.63.0 / 5.17.2 / 19.08.3 - xfce: updated packages 20191104: - kde5: 5.63.0 / 5.17.1 / 19.08.2 - xfce: updated packages - NB: these -rc images have been tested, 20191105 will be skipped (antohami@) 20191030: - Linux 4.19.81 / 5.3.8 - kde5: 5.63.0 / 5.17.0 / 19.08.2 20191023: - Linux 4.19.80 / 5.3.7 - Qt 5.12.5 - images built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.14 - kde5: 5.63.0 / 5.16.5 / 19.08.1 - mate: 1.22.2 20191016: - Linux 4.19.79 / 5.3.6 - Mesa 19.2.1 - enlightenment: efl 1.22.6 - gnome3: yet more 3.34 packages 20191009: - Linux 4.19.78 / 5.2.20 - gnome3: more 3.34 packages - icewm: 1.6.2 20191002: - Linux 4.19.75 / 5.2.18 - gnome3: 3.34 20190925: - Linux 4.19.75 / 5.2.17 - Mesa 19.1.7 - kde5: 5.62.0 / 5.16.5 / 19.08.1 20190918: - Linux 4.19.73 / 5.2.15 - Firefox 69 - images built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.13 - kde5: more 19.08.1 packages - pulseaudio 13.0 20190911: - Linux 4.19.72 / 5.2.14 - systemd 243 - Mesa 19.1.6 - enlightenment: efl 1.22.4 - kde5: 5.61.0 / 5.16.5 / 19.08.1 20190904: - Linux 4.19.69 / 5.2.11 - images built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.12+ - icewm: 1.6.1 - kde5: more 19.08.0 packages 20190828: - Linux 4.19.68 / 5.2.10 - Mesa 19.1.5 - enlightenment: 0.23; efl 1.22.3 - kde5: 5.61.0 / 5.16.4 / 19.08.0 - xfce: updated packages 20190821: - images built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.12 - Linux 4.19.67 / 5.2.9 - cinnamon: drop brasero, thunderbird, pidgin, GConf - kde5: 5.61.0 / 5.16.4 / 19.04.3 20190814: - Linux 4.19.66 / 5.2.8 - cinnamon: 4.2.3 - icewm: Chromium 76 - kde5: more 19.04.3 packages - xfce: 4.14 20190807: - Remember Dagestan - Linux 4.19.60 / 5.2.7 - cinnamon: updated packages - kde5: 5.60.0 / 5.16.4 / 19.04.3 - xfce: 4.13.7; updated packages 20190731: - Linux 4.19.60 / 5.2.1 - Mesa 19.1.3 - make-initrd 2.2.12 - kde5: more 19.04.3 packages - xfce: updated packages 20190724: - Firefox 68 - kde5: 5.60.0 / 5.16.3 / 19.04.3 20190717: - Linux 4.19.59 / 5.1.18 - cinnamon: 4.2.1 - cinnamon, kde5: Thunderbird 60.8.0 - gnome3: evolution 3.32.4 - kde5: 5.59.0 / 5.16.3 / 19.04.2 20190710: - images built using mkimage-profiles - Linux 4.19.57 / 5.1.16 - Mesa 19.1.2 - cinnamon: 4.2.0 - xfce: updated packages 20190703: - Mesa 19.1.1 - kde5: 5.59.0 / 5.16.2 / 19.04.2 - xfce: 4.13.5; updated packages 20190626: - Linux 4.19.56 / 5.1.15 - Firefox 67.0.3 - kde5: 5.59.0 / 5.16.1 / 19.04.2 - xfce: updated packages 20190619: - Linux 4.19.51 / 5.0.21 (fixes CVE-2019-11477 et al) - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.10 - desktop images: enable sna in xorg-drv-intel for i586 - cinnamon, kde5: Thunderbird 60.7.1 - gnome3: evolution 3.32.3 - kde5: 5.59.0 / 5.15.5 / 19.04.2 - xfce: updated packages 20190612: - Mesa 19.0.6 - Firefox 67.0.1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.9 - kde5: 5.58.0 / 5.15.5 / 19.04.2 20190605: - xorg-server 1.20.5 - Firefox 67 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.8 - gnome3: 3.32.2; flatpak 1.4.0 - kde5, xfce: updated packages 20190529: - Linux 4.19.46 / 5.0.19 - Mesa 19.0.5 - enlightenment: terminology 1.4.1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.7+ 20190522: - Linux 4.19.43 / 5.0.16 20190515: - Linux 4.19.42 / 5.0.15 - iproute2 5.1.0 - ALSA 1.1.9 - Mesa 19.0.4 - icewm: Chromium 74 - kde5: more 19.04.0 packages; hplip 3.19.5 20190508: - Victory Day Eve - Linux 4.19.40 / 5.0.13 - Qt 5.12.3 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.7 - gnome3: 3.32.2 packages - kde5: 5.57.0 / 5.15.4 / 19.04.0 20190501: - Mesa 19.0.3 - apt --autoremove - mate: more 1.22.1 packages - xfce: updated packages 20190424: - Linux 4.19.36 / 5.0.9 - systemd 242 - Mesa 19.0.2 - python 3.7.3 - NetworkManager 1.18.0 - livecd-install 0.9.11 - kde5: 5.57.0 / 5.12.8 / 18.12.3 - mate: 1.22.1 20190417: - Linux 4.19.34 / 5.0.6 - cinnamon: muffin 4.0.7 - gnome3: 3.32.1 packages 20190410: - Linux 4.19.32 / 5.0.6 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.6+ - sysvinit based images: added elogind 20190403: - Linux 4.19.32 / 5.0.5 - Mesa 19.0.1 - shim-signed 15 ("x64"/ia32) - Firefox 66.0.1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.6 - cinnamon, kde5: Thunderbird 60.6.1 - kde5: 5.56.0 / 5.12.8 / 18.12.3 - kde5, lxqt: Falkon 3.1.0 20190327: - OpenSSL 1.1.1b, 1.0.2r - Qt 5.12.2 - cinnamon, kde5: Thunderbird 60.6.0 - gnome3, xfce: updated packages - icewm: Chromium 73 - kde5: 5.55.0 / 5.12.8 / 18.12.3 - lxde: lxpanel 0.10.0; updated packages 20190320: - Linux 4.19.30 / 4.20.17 - Mesa 19.0.0 - desktop images: libfreetype 2.10.0; NetworkManager 1.16.0; switch to chrony - gnome3: 3.32 20190313: - Linux 4.14.104 / 4.20.14 - kde5: 5.55.0 / 5.12.8 / 18.12.2 - lxqt: 0.14.1 - mate: 1.22.0 - xfce: updated packages 20190306: - Linux 4.14.104 / 4.19.26 - xorg-server 1.20.4 - Firefox 65.0.2 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.5+ - cinnamon, kde5: Thunderbird 60.5.2 - kde5: yet more 18.12.2 packages 20190227: - Linux 4.14.103 / 4.19.25 - ALSA 1.2.2 - desktop images: NetworkManager 1.15.90 (1.16-rc1) - kde5: more 18.12.2 packages 20190220: - systemd 241 - Mesa 18.3.4 - Firefox 65.0.1 - cinnamon, kde5: Thunderbird 60.5.1 - icewm: Chromium 72 - kde5: 5.55.0 / 5.12.7 / 18.12.2 - gnome3: updated packages 20190213: - 6 years of Regular builds - Linux 4.14.98 / 4.19.20 - kde5: 5.54.0 / 5.12.7 / 18.12.1 - mate: updated packages 20190206: - Linux 4.14.97 / 4.19.19 - make-initrd 2.2.9 - Mesa 18.3.3 - python 3.6.8 - Firefox 65 - cinnamon, kde5: Thunderbird 60.5.0 - lxqt: 0.14.0 - gnome3, xfce: updated packages 20190130: - Linux 4.14.96 / 4.19.18 - ALSA 1.1.8 - perl 5.28.1 - xfce: updated packages 20190123: - Linux 4.14.94 / 4.19.16 - Mesa 18.3.2 - desktop images: ModemManager 1.10.0 - cinnamon: 4.0.9+ - gnome3: updated packages - kde5: 5.54.0 / 5.12.7 / 18.04.3 20190116: - Linux 4.14.93 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.4+ - gnome3, xfce: updated packages (see also BUGS) 20190109: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.3+ - iproute2 4.20.0 - lxde: pcmanfm 1.3.1 - gnome3, xfce: updated packages 20190102: - systemd 240 - cinnamon: 4.0.8+ - mate: updated packages 20181226: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.3 - desktop images: Firefox 64, Qt 5.11.3 - cinnamon, kde5: Thunderbird 60.4.0 - gnome3: evolution 3.30.3; more updated packages - kde5: updated packages - mate: 1.20.4 20181219: - St. Nicholas Day Release - Linux 4.14.89 / 4.19.10 - Mesa 18.3.1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.2+ - kde5: 5.53.0 / 5.12.7 / 18.04.3 - mate: updated packages 20181212: - Starterkits Day - Linux 4.14.87 / 4.19.8 - Mesa 18.3.0 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.2 - cinnamon: 4.0.3+ - cinnamon, kde5: Thunderbird 60.3.3 - cinnamon, mate: updated packages 20181205: - Linux 4.14.84 / 4.19.6, virtualbox additions 5.2.22 - Mesa 18.2.6 - cinnamon, kde5: Thunderbird 60.3.2 - enlightenment: connman 1.36 - gnome3, xfce: updated packages 20181128: - Firefox 63.0.3 - cinnamon, kde5: Thunderbird 60.3.1 - cinnamon: 4.0.2 - gnome3, xfce: updated packages 20181121: - Mesa 18.2.5 - kde5: 5.52.0 / 5.12.7 / 18.04.3 - lxqt: update russian translation for pcmanfm-qt 20181114: - Linux 4.14.80 / 4.19.1 - Firefox 63.0.1 - ffmpeg 4.1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.1+ (added eMMC support) - gnome3, kde5: updated packages 20181107: - Linux 4.14.79 / 4.18.17 - Mesa 18.2.4 - openssh 7.9p1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.1 20181031: - systemd 239+ - xorg-server 1.20.3 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.0+ - desktop images: NetworkManager 1.14.5+ - gnome3: evolution 3.30.2; more updated packages - kde5: updated package translations - xfce: updated packages 20181024: - Linux 4.14.78 / 4.18.14, virtualbox additions 5.2.20 - xorg-server 1.20.2, Mesa 18.2.3 / libglvnd - ALSA 1.1.7 - gnome3, mate, xfce: updated packages - kde5: 5.51.0 / 5.12.7 / 18.04.3 20181017: - Linux 4.14.70 / 4.18.14 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.0 - gnome3: updated packages 20181010: - Linux 4.14.70 / 4.18.12 - Firefox 62 - GOST crypto support in gnupg2 - desktop images: NetworkManager 1.14.1+ - gnome3: 3.30.1 - icewm: dropped winswitch (removed from sisyphus) 20181003: - Linux 4.14.70 / 4.18.11 - gnome3: 3.30.1 packages - kde5: 5.50.0 / 5.12.7 / 18.04.3 20180926: - Linux 4.14.70 / 4.18.9 - gnome3: more 3.30 packages - rescue: dropped ext3grep (removed from sisyphus) 20180919: - SJW go home :-\ - Linux 4.14.70 / 4.18.8 - make-initrd 2.2.0 - cinnamon: 3.8.9 - enlightenment: 0.22.4; efl 1.21.1 - gnome3: 3.30 - icewm: updated package - kde5: 5.50.0 / 5.12.6 / 18.04.3 - rescue: drop sbsigntools 20180912: - Linux 4.14.69 / 4.18.6 - icewm: Chromium 69 - kde5: 5.49.0 / 5.12.6 / 18.04.3 20180905: - Linux 4.14.67 / 4.18.5 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.21+ - gnome3, mate: updated packages - NB: release skipped due to power outage 20180829: - Linux 4.14.66 / 4.18.4 - migration to openssl 1.1 started - xfce: 4.13 (xfce4-panel 4.13.3) 20180822: - Linux 4.14.63 / 4.18.1 - systemd 239 - desktop images: Qt 5.11.1 20180815: - Linux 4.14.62 / 4.17.14 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.21 - our translation updates started trickling in 20180808: - remember Tskhinval - Linux 4.14.61 / 4.17.13 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.20 20180801: - desktop images: NetworkManager 1.12.2 - gnome3: evolution 3.28.5 - kde5: 5.48.0 / 5.12.6 / 18.04.3 20180725: - Linux 4.14.57 / 4.17.9 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.19 - cinnamon: 3.8.8+ - gnome3: 3.28.3 - kde5: 5.48.0 / 5.12.6 / 18.04.2 20180718: - Linux 4.14.56 / 4.17.6 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.18 - desktop images: NetworkManager 1.12.0 - gtk-based images except gnome3: move to slick-greeter - gnome3: evolution 3.28.4; updated packages 20180711: - Linux 4.14.54 / 4.17.5 - Firefox 61 - desktop images: libfreetype 2.9.1 - cinnamon, kde5: Thunderbird 52.9.0 - cinnamon: 3.8.6+ - kde5: 5.47.0 / 5.12.6 / 18.04.2 20180704: - Linux 4.9.110 / 4.17.4 - Mesa 18.1.3 - icewm: Chromium 67.0.3396.87 - kde5: 5.47.0 / 5.12.6 / 18.04.1 20180627: - Linux 4.9.109 / 4.16.18 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.17 - desktop images: NetworkManager 1.11.90 20180620: - Mesa 18.1.1 - Firefox 60.0.2 - desktop images: Qt 5.9.6 - cinnamon: 3.8.4; updated packages - gnome3: evolution 3.28.3 - mate: 1.20.3 20180613: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.16 - gnupg2 2.2.8 (and fixed 1.4.22+) - gnome3: epiphany - jeos: new flavour (minimalistic installer) 20180606: - Linux 4.9.106 / 4.16.14 - xorg-server 1.20.0 - desktop images: ModemManager 1.8.0 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.15+ - gnome3, lxqt: updated packages 20180530: - Mesa 18.1.0 - Firefox 60.0.1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.15 - gnome3: wayland 1.15.0 - kde5: 5.46.0 / 5.12.5 / 18.04.1 - lxqt: 0.13; qterminal 0.9.0 20180523: - Linux 4.9.101 / 4.16.10 - Linux-PAM 1.3.1 - Mesa 17.3.9 - control 0.8.0 - gnome3: updated packages - cinnamon, kde5: Thunderbird 52.8.0 20180516: - Linux 4.9.99 / 4.16.8 - desktop images: NetworkManager 1.10.8 - cinnamon, gnome3: gimp 2.10.0 - cinnamon: 3.8.2 - enlightenment, xfce4: updated default terminals - gnome3: 3.28.2 - kde5, lxqt: Falkon 3.0.1 - kde5: 5.46.0 / 5.12.5 / 17.12.2 20180509: - Victory Day Release - Linux 4.9.98 / 4.16.7 - python 3.6.4 - cinnamon: 3.8.1+ - kde5: 5.45.0 / 5.12.5 / 17.12.2 20180502: - Linux 4.9.96 / 4.16.5 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.13+ - icewm: Chromium 66.0.3359.117 20180425: - Linux 4.9.96 / 4.16.4 (see BUGS, current rolled back) - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.13 - desktop images: Qt 5.9.5 - enlightenment: terminology 1.2.0 - kde4: dropped flavour (see #34846) - lxde: pcmanfm 1.3.0 20180418: - Linux 4.9.94 / 4.16.2 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.12++ - gnome3: 3.28.1 - kde4, kde5: updated packages - lxde, wmaker: Palemoon 27.9.0 20180411: - Linux 4.9.93 / 4.16.1 - ALSA 1.1.6 - icewm: Chromium 65.0.3325.181 - mate, xfce: updated file manager packages - rescue: btrfs-progs 4.16 20180404: - Linux 4.9.92 / 4.14.32 - cinnamon: pidgin 2.13.0 - kde5: 5.44.0 / 5.12.4 / 17.12.2 - lxde, wmaker: Palemoon 27.8.3 - lxqt, mate, xfce: updated packages - rescue: removed fio (pulls in hefty libs) 20180328: - Linux 4.9.90 / 4.14.30 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.12+ - Firefox 59.0.2 - gnome3: updated packages - kde5: 5.44.0 / 5.12.3 / 17.12.2 - mate: 1.20.1 20180321: - Linux 4.9.88 / 4.14.28 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.12 - ruby 2.5.0, gparted 0.31.0, gstreamer 1.14.0 - enlightenment: 0.22.2 - gnome3: 3.28.0 - icewm: Chromium 65.0.3325.146 - kde5: 5.42.0 / 5.12.3 / 17.12.2 - lxqt: Qupzilla 2.2.6 - mate: yet more 1.20 packages rebuilt - xfce: updated packages 20180314: - Linux 4.9.87 / 4.14.26 - systemd 238 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.11 - desktop images: NetworkManager 1.10.6, xscreensaver 5.38 - kde5: 5.42.0 / 5.12.2 / 17.12.2 - lxde, wmaker: Palemoon 27.8.1 - mate: more 1.20 packages rebuilt 20180307: - Linux 4.9.84 / 4.14.24 - cinnamon: updated translations - enlightenment: efl 1.20.7 - kde4: move beyond rekonq - kde5: 5.42.0 / 5.11.5 / 17.12.2 - mate: 1.20 20180228: - Goodbye Winter release - Linux 4.9.84 / 4.14.22 - Mesa 17.3.6 - mate: 1.20 - xfce: updated packages 20180221: - Linux 4.9.82 / 4.14.20 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.10+ 20180214: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.9 (by antohami@) - desktop images: NetworkManager 1.10.4 - Firefox 58.0.2 - gnome3: epiphany 3.26.6 - wmaker: localized Palemoon 20180207: - Linux 4.9.80 / 4.14.17 ("spectre") - glibc 2.27 - systemd 237 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.8 - gnome3: evolution 3.26.5; updated packages - icewm: Chromium 64.0.3282.119 - rescue: htop 2.1.0 - wmaker: Palemoon 27.7.2 20180131: - Qt5 5.9.4; dhcpcd 7.0.1 - cinnamon, kde5: Thunderbird 52.6.0 - lxqt: Qupzilla 2.2.5 - rescue: dropped wdfs (images rebuilt) 20180124: - Linux 4.9.78 ("meltdown" @i586) / 4.14.15 - Mesa 17.3.3 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.7+ - xfsprogs 4.14.0, reiser4progs 1.2.1 - kde5: 5.42.0 / 5.11.5 / 17.12.1 - lxqt: Qupzilla 2.2.4 - wmaker: Palemoon 27.7.1 20180117: - Linux 4.9.76 / 4.14.13 ("meltdown") - updated glibc (CVE-2018-1000001 fix) - desktop images: Mesa 17.3.2, libfreetype 2.9 - kde5: 5.41.0 / 5.11.5 / 17.08.3 20180110: - Linux 4.9.75 / 4.14.12 ("meltdown") - Firefox 57.0.4 ("spectre") - gnome3: evolution 3.26.4 - icewm: Chromium 63.0.3239.132 20180103: - Linux 4.9.73 / 4.14.8+ - refind 0.11.2, elilo 3.16 - cinnamon: 3.6.7 20171227: - Linux 4.9.72 / 4.14.8+ - glibc 2.26+ - xorg-server 1.19.6, Mesa 17.2.7 - cinnamon, kde5: Thunderbird 52.5.2 - gnome3: evolution 3.26.3; updated packages - lxqt: Qupzilla 2.2.3 20171220: - Linux 4.9.70 / 4.14.7 - desktop images: NetworkManager 1.10.2; alterator-browser-qt5 3.0.0 - perl 5.26.1 - gnome3: epiphany 3.26.5 - icewm: Chromium 63 - kde5: 5.41.0 / 5.11.4 / 17.08.3 - xfce: xfce4-panel 4.12.2 20171213: - Linux 4.9.68 / 4.14.5 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.6+ - btrfs-progs 4.14 - hdparm 9.52 - desktop images: gstreamer1.0 1.12.4, qt5 5.9.3 - kde5, lxqt: sddm 0.17.0 - lxqt: Qupzilla 2.2.2 - rescue: added nvme 20171206: - Linux 4.9.66+ / 4.13.16+ - Firefox 57.0.1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.5 - wmaker: Palemoon 27.6.2 20171129: - Linux 4.9.65 / 4.13.16 - Mesa 17.2.6 - ALSA 1.1.5 - desktop images: NetworkManager 1.10.0 - cinnamon: 3.6.6 - enlightenment: 0.22.1 / efl 1.20.6 (works with X11 session again) - gnome3: epiphany 3.26.3 - kde5: 5.40.0 / 5.11.3 / 17.08.3 20171122: - Linux 4.9.63 / 4.13.14 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.4 - kde5: 5.39.0 / 5.11.3 / 17.08.3 - icewm: Chromium 62.0.3202.89 20171114: - Linux 4.9.61 / 4.13.12 - Mesa 17.2.5 - systemd 235 - cinnamon, lxde: dropped ibus-unikey for now - kde5: 5.39.0 / 5.11.3 / 17.04.3 20171108: - Linux 4.9.60 / 4.13.11 - Mesa 17.2.4 - smartmontools 6.6 - enlightenment: 0.22.0 (NB: prefers wayland session) - gnome3: 3.26.2 - lxqt: Qupzilla 2.2.1 20171101: - Linux 4.9.59 / 4.13.10 - cinnamon: 3.6.0 - gnome3: epiphany 3.26.2 - kde5: 5.39.0 / 5.10.5 / 17.04.3 20171025: - Linux 4.9.58 / 4.13.9 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.3+ - Mesa 17.2.3 - Qt 5.9.2 - ModemManager 1.6.10 - enlightenment: efl 1.20.5 - lxqt: 0.12.0; qterminal 0.8.0, Qupzilla 2.2.0 20171018: - Linux 4.9.56 / 4.13.7 - xorg-server 1.19.5 - Firefox 56 - gparted 0.30.0 - mate: updated packages (1.19.1+) 20171011: - Linux 4.9.54 / 4.13.5 - enlightenment: 0.21.10 - gnome3: 3.26.1 20171004: - Linux 4.9.52 / 4.13.4 - Mesa 17.2.2 - kde5: 5.38.0 / 5.10.5 / 17.04.3 - rescue: images failed to build due to tcpflow, not marking as tested 20170927: - Linux 4.9.51 / 4.13.3 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.3 - NetworkManager 1.8.4, ModemManager 1.6.8 - gnome3: updated packages - kde5: 5.37.0 / 5.10.5 / 17.04.3 20170920: - Linux 4.9.50 / 4.13.2 - Mesa 17.2.1 - enlightenment: efl 1.20.4 - gnome3: 3.26.0 - icewm: Chromium 61 20170913: - Linux 4.9.49 / 4.12.12 - Mesa 17.2.0 - freetype 2.8 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.2 - mate: 1.19 20170906: - Linux 4.9.47 / 4.12.10 20170830: - Linux 4.9.45 / 4.12.9 - Firefox 55.0.3 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.1+ - cinnamon: 3.4.6 - enlightenment, gnome3: updated packages - rescue: added fio 20170823: - Birthday Release: 7 years since first m-p commit! - Linux 4.9.44 / 4.12.7 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.1 - enlightenment: 0.21.9 - kde5: 5.37.0 / 5.10.4 / 17.04.3 20170816: - Linux 4.9.43 / 4.12.8 - Firefox 55.0.1 - gparted 0.29.0 - enlightenment: efl 1.20.2 - icewm: Chromium 60 20170809: - Linux 4.9.41 / 4.12.5 - Mesa 17.1.6 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.2.0 - gnome3: evolution 3.24.5 - icewm: 1.4.2 20170802: - Linux 4.9.40 / 4.12.2 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.110 20170726: - Mesa 17.1.5 - gnome3: 3.24.3 - kde4: 4.14.34; i586 image rebuilt due to a race - kde5: 5.36.0 / 5.10.4 / 17.04.3 - wmaker: palemoon 27.5.0-pre 20170719: - NB: not marked as tested, I'm (still) on vacation - Linux 4.9.38 / 4.12.2 - Firefox 54.0.1 - gnome3: updated packages - kde5: 5.36.0 / 5.9.5 / 17.04.2 - wmaker: palemoon 27.4.0 20170712: - St. Paul's Day release - Linux 4.9.36 / 4.10.17 - iproute2 4.12.0, strace 4.18 - NetworkManager 1.8.2, ModemManager 1.6.8 - cinnamon: 3.4.4; updated packages - gnome3: updated packages - kde5: 5.35.0 / 5.9.5 / 17.04.2 - wmaker: palemoon 27.4.0-pre 20170705: - Mesa 17.1.4 - libinput 1.8.0 - cinnamon: 3.4.3+ - xfce: thunar 1.6.12 20170628: - Linux 4.9.34 / 4.10.17 - Mesa 17.1.3 - rpm - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.109+ - kde5: updated packages 20170621: - LVEE 2017 release - Linux 4.9.32 / 4.10.17 - gnome3: evolution 3.24.3 - icewm: Chromium 59 - kde4: removed sflphone - kde5: 5.34.0 / 5.9.5 / 17.04.2 20170613: - Linux 4.9.31 / 4.10.17 - cinnamon: 3.4.1+ - gnome3, kde5, lxqt: updated packages 20170607: - xfce: parole 0.9.2 20170531: - Goodbye Spring release - Linux 4.9.30 / 4.10.17 - Mesa 17.1.1 - ALSA 1.1.4 - enlightenment: 0.21.8; efl 1.19.1 - kde4: images rebuilt after a race - mate: sane 1.0.27 20170524: - icewm: Chromium 58 - kde5: 5.34.0 / 5.9.5 / 17.04.0 20170517: - Linux 4.9.28 / 4.10.16 - cinnamon: 3.4.0 - gnome3: 3.24.2 20170510: - Mesa 17.0.5 - Firefox 53.0.2 - cinnamon, kde5: Thunderbird 52.1.0 - kde5: 5.33.0 / 5.9.5 / 17.04.0 20170503: - gnome3: updated packages - kde5: 5.33.0 / 5.9.5 / 16.12.3 20170426: - NB: not marked as tested, I'm on vacation - Linux 4.9.24 / 4.10.12 - Mesa 17.0.4 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.108+ - enlightenment: efl 1.19.0 - gnome3: updated packages 20170419: - alterator 5.0, alterator-browser-qt5 2.90.2 (Qt5); see BUGS - kde5: 5.33.0 / 5.9.4 / 16.12.3 - lxqt: KF5 5.33.0 packages 20170412: - Linux 4.9.22 / 4.10.10 - NetworkManager 1.7.91 - gnome3: more 3.24.1 packages - kde5: more 16.12.3 packages 20170412: - Cosmonautics Day release - Linux 4.9.21 / 4.10.9 - tcl/tk 8.6.6 - cinnamon, kde5: Thunderbird 52 - gnome3: 3.24.1 - kde5: 5.32.0 / 5.9.4 / 16.12.3 20170405: - Linux 4.9.20 / 4.10.8 - xfsprogs 4.10.0 - Mesa 17.0.3 - make-initrd 2.0.4 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.107+ - icewm: Chromium 57 - kde5: 5.32.0 / 5.9.3 / 16.08.3 - rescue: images rebuilt, partclone disappeared from sisyphus 20170329: - Linux 4.9.18 / 4.10.6 - make-initrd 2.0.3 - Mesa 17.0.2 - enlightenment: efl updated from git - gnome3: 3.24.0 - icewm: updated from git 20170322: - Linux 4.4.55 / 4.10.4 - coreutils 8.27+, grep 3.0+, gzip 1.8+, sed 4.4+, tar 1.29+ - Firefox 52 - xorg-server 1.19.3, Mesa 17.0.1 - gnome3: epiphany 3.22.7 - lxqt: Qupzilla 2.1.2 20170315: - Linux 4.4.53 / 4.9.14 - systemd 233 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.106 - enlightenment: 0.21.7 - gnome3: evolution 3.22.6; updated packages - icewm: updated from git - kde5: 5.31.0 / 5.9.3 / 16.08.3 - wmaker: 0.95.8 20170308: - gnome3: gdm 3.22.3 - icewm: updated icons - kde5: 5.31.0 / 5.9.2 / 16.08.3 20170301: - Linux 4.4.52 / 4.9.13 - NetworkManager 1.6.2 - xfce: parole 0.9.1 20170222: - Linux 4.4.50 / 4.9.11 - kde5, lxqt: KF5 5.31.0 / 5.8.4 - lxde: lxpanel 0.9.3; updated packages 20170215: - Linux 4.4.48 / 4.9.9 - Mesa 17.0.0 - perl 5.24.1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.104+ - gnome3, lxde, xfce: updated packages - gnome3: evolution 3.22.5 - icewm: Chromium 56 - kde5, lxqt: KF5 5.30.0 / 5.8.4 - lxqt: Qupzilla 2.1.1 - wmaker: Palemoon 27.1.0 20170208: - Linux 4.4.47 / 4.9.8 - Firefox 51.0.1 - Mesa 13.0.4 - NetworkManager 1.6.1+ - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.104 - desktop images: added cpu-x - cinnamon, gnome3, xfce4: updated packages - gnome3: epiphany 3.22.6 - kde4: 4.14.28 - lxqt: Qupzilla 2.1.0 20170201: - Linux 4.4.45 / 4.9.6 - systemd 232 (see BUGS!) - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.103 20170125: - Linux 4.4.44 / 4.9.5 - sudo 1.8.19 - enlightenment: terminology 1.0.0 20170118: - Linux 4.4.43 / 4.8.17 - mdadm 4.0 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.102+ - desktop images: xorg-server 1.19.1, Mesa 13.0.3 - enlightenment: dropped gst-ffmpeg - gnome3: epiphany 3.22.5, evolution 3.22.4 - icewm: updated package - lxde: lxpanel 0.9.2; updated packages - tde: flavour gone until packages get updated - NB: this snapshot won't be "tested" (test server under maintenance) 20170111: - Linux 4.4.41 / 4.8.17 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.102 - cinnamon: 3.2.8 - gnome3: updated packages 20170104: - gnome3: updated packages 20161228: - wpa_supplicant 2.6 - cinnamon: 3.2.7 - wmaker: palemoon 27.0.3 20161221: - Linux 4.4.39 / 4.8.15 - Firefox 50.1.0 - cinnamon: 3.2.6 20161214: - Linux 4.4.38 / 4.8.14 - rpm 4.13 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.101+ - desktop images: xorg-server 1.19.0, Mesa 13.0.2 - enlightenment: 0.21.5; efl 1.18.4 - gnome3: updated packages - lxde: pcmanfm 1.2.5 20161207: - Linux 4.4.36 / 4.8.12 - Mesa 13.0.2 - Firefox 50.0.2 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.100 - enlightenment: 0.21.4 - icewm, wmaker: palemoon 27.0.2 20161130: - rebranded as "ALT Regular" by BaseALT Ltd - Linux 4.4.35 / 4.8.11 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.99+ - gnome3, kde4, kde5, tde: images rebuilt due to a branding glitch - cinnamon: 3.2.2 - enlightenment: efl 1.18.3 - kde5: 5.28.0 / 5.8.3 / 16.08.3 - lxde: lxpanel 0.9.1 - lxqt: switched from connman to NM (for applet) 20161123: - Linux 4.4.33 / 4.8.9 - Firefox 50 - cinnamon: 3.2.1 - gnome3: updated packages - kde4: i586 image rebuilt due to a race - kde5: 5.28.0 / 5.8.3 / 16.08.2 - lxde: lxpanel 0.9.0 20161116: - Linux 4.4.31 / 4.8.7 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.99 - gnome3: 3.22.2 - kde5: 5.27.0 / 5.8.3 / 16.08.2 20161109: - Linux 4.4.30 / 4.8.6 - gnome3: updated 3.22.2 packages 20161102: - Linux 4.4.30 / 4.8.5 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.98 - kde4: 4.14.25 - kde5: 5.27.0 / 5.8.2 / 16.08.2 - mate, xfce: updated packages 20161026: - Linux 4.4.27 / 4.7.10 - Firefox 49.0.2 - kde5: 5.27.0 / 5.8.2 / 16.08.1 - lxqt: Qupzilla 2.0.2 20161019: - Linux 4.4.25 / 4.7.8 - enlightenment: 0.21.3; efl 1.18.2 - gnome3, mate: more updated packages - kde5: 5.27.0 / 5.8.1 / 16.08.1 - lxqt: Qt 5.6.2 - xfce: updated packages 20161012: - Linux 4.4.24 / 4.7.7 - gnome3: 3.22.1; updated packages - kde5: 5.26.0 / 5.8.0 / 16.08.1 - lxqt: 0.11.0 - mate: 1.16 20161005: - Linux 4.4.23 / 4.7.6 - Firefox 49.0.1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.97 - cinnamon, gnome3, icewm, kde5: updated packages with fixes 20160928: - Linux 4.4.22 / 4.7.5 - gnome: 3.22.0 (images rebuilt) - kde5: more 16.08.1 packages 20160921: - Linux 4.4.21 / 4.7.4 - desktop images: Mesa 12.0.3; NM 1.4.1 - enlightenment: efl 1.18.1 - kde5: 5.26.0 / 5.7.4 / 16.08.1 20160914: - Linux 4.4.20 / 4.7.3 - icewm, wmaker: palemoon 26.4.1 - kde5: more 16.08.0 packages 20160907: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.96+ - desktop images: Mesa 12.0.2; Firefox 48.0.2; better bluetooth/touchpad support - icewm, wmaker: replaced seamonkey with palemoon (at least until 2.46) - kde5: 5.25.0 / 5.7.4 / 16.08.0 20160831: - Goodbye Summer release - desktop images: NM 1.4.0; updated xorg-drv-intel - Firefox 48.0.1 - cinnamon: somewhat changed fonts (see also #32427, #32457) - kde4: 4.14.23 - kde5, lxqt: KF5 5.7.4; sddm 0.14.0 - rescue: btrfs-progs 4.7.1 20160824: - Linux 4.4.19 / 4.7.2 - enlightenment: 0.21.2, efl 1.18.0 - gnome3: 3.20.4 - kde5, lxqt: KF5 5.25.0 / 5.7.3 - xfce: updated xfce4-terminal 20160817: - Linux 4.4.17 / 4.6.6 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.95 - Firefox 48 - gnome3, kde5: updated packages 20160810: - systemd 231 - gnome3: updated packages; evolution 3.20.5 - kde5: KF5 5.7.3 20160803: - Linux 4.4.16 / 4.6.5 - gnome3, kde4: updated packages 20160727: - back from Valaam release - Linux 4.4.15 / 4.6.4 - desktop images: xorg-server 1.18.4, Mesa 12.0.1 - cinnamon: 3.0.7 - enlightenment: 0.20.10 - gnome3: updated packages; evolution 3.20.4 - kde5, lxqt: KF5 5.24.0 / 5.7.1 20160706: - gnome3: 3.20.3 - kde4: 4.14.21 - kde5, lxqt: Qt 5.6.1 20160629: - Linux 4.4.14 / 4.6.3 - cinnamon: 3.0.6 - enlightenment, gnome3: updated packages - NB: the next three weeks won't be marked "tested" due to my vacation 20160622: - We Remember - updated lvm2/mdadm/multipath-tools - Firefox 47.0 - gnome3: some 3.20.3 packages 20160615: - Linux 4.4.13 / 4.5.6 - enlightenment: 0.20.9 - lxqt: Qupzilla 2.0.1 20160608: - Linux 4.4.12 / 4.5.6 - cinnamon: 3.0.5 - enlightenment: updated packages 20160601: - Summer release - Firefox 46.0.1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.92 - lxde: added keyboard layout indicator to the panel 20160525: - Linux 4.4.11 / 4.5.5 - systemd 230 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.91 - desktop images: NM 1.2.2 - cinnamon: 3.0.4 - enlightenment: 0.20.8 - kde4: 4.14.20 update - kde5: 5.22.0 / 5.6.4 / 16.04.1 20160518: - Linux 4.4.10 / 4.5.4 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.90+ - gnome3: more 3.20.2 packages; "native" setup for installed system - kde5: 5.6.4 / 5.21.0 / 16.04.1 20160511: - Linux 4.1.21 / 4.5.3 - smartmontools 6.5 - gnome3: 3.20.2 - kde4: images rebuilt due to recent man-pages/lirc conflict 20160504: - Bright Week release - Firefox 46 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.90 20160427: - Linux 4.1.21 / 4.5.2 - ntfs-3g 2016.2.22 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.89+ - desktop images: xorg-server 1.18.3; NM 1.2.0 - cinnamon: 3.0 - kde4: switched to Breeze theme by default - kde5, lxqt: KF5 5.21.0 / 5.6.3 20160420: - Linux 4.1.21 / 4.5.1 - Mesa 11.1.3 - gnome3: rest of 3.20.1 packages 20160413: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.88 - added license.*.html to images' root directory - desktop images: NM 1.1.93 - gnome3: 3.20.1 - lxde: updated packages - lxqt: Qupzilla 2.0.0 20160406: - desktop images: NM 1.1.92 - cinnamon: 2.8.8 - gnome3, mate: updated packages - kde5: 5.6.1 / 5.20.0 / 15.12.2 - lxqt: KF5 5.6.0, Qt 5.6.0 - mate: fixed installation (gvfs made it fail) 20160330: - desktop images: updated/fixed plymouth - cinnamon: 2.8.7 - gnome: 3.20 - kde5: 5.6.0 / 5.20.0 / 15.12.2 - lxqt: KF5 5.6.0 20160323: - Linux 4.1.20 / 4.5.0 - xorg-server 1.18.2 - Firefox 45.0.1 - icewm, wmaker: seamonkey 2.40 - cinnamon, gnome3, kde4: updated packages - icewm: updated githubmod package - kde5: 5.5.5 / 5.20.0 / 15.12.2 - lxqt: KF5 5.20.0 / 5.5.5 - alpha: gnome3: 3.20.0 20160316: - changed overall image license to be GPLv2+ - Linux 4.1.19 / 4.4.5 - openssh 7.2p2 - systemd 229 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.87 - cinnamon: dropped inconsolata font (spoiled the terminal) - gnome3, kde4: updated packages - kde5: 5.5.5 / 5.19.0 / 15.12.2 20160309: - Linux 4.1.19 / 4.4.4 - icewm, wmaker: seamonkey 2.40 - gnome3: 3.18.4; updated packages - mate: 1.12 20160302: - Linux 4.1.18 / 4.4.3 - Mesa 11.1.2 - cryptsetup 1.7.1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.86 - kde5: 5.5.4 / 5.19.0 / 15.12.2 20160224: - Linux 4.1.18 / 4.4.2 - glibc 2.23 - cinnamon: session won't start without hardware 3D acceleration (see BUGS) - gnome3, kde4: updated packages - kde5: 5.5.4 / 5.19.0 / 15.12.1 20160217: - Firefox 44.0.2 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.85 - gnome3: updated packages 20160210: - xorg 1.18.1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.84 - enlightenment: 0.20.5, efl/elementary 1.17.0 - gnome3: updated packages 20160203: - Linux 4.1.17 / 4.4.1 - Firefox 44 - lxqt, kde5: images rebuilt with more Russian localization - kde5: 5.5.4 / 5.18.0 / 15.12.1 20160127: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.83 - added autologin knob during installation (thx cas@) - gparted 0.25 - desktop images: NM 1.1.90 - enlightenment: 0.20.3 - gnome3: updated packages - lxqt, kde5: sddm 0.13 (broken for installations, see BUGS) - kde4: 4.14.16 / 15.12.1 - kde5: 5.5.3 / 5.18.0 / 15.12.1 20160120: - Linux 4.1.15 / 4.4.0 - Mesa 11.1.1-alt1 - openssh 7.1p1 (IMPORTANT: see also http://www.openssh.com/legacy.html) - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.82+ (slightly refuced image size) - gnome3: updated packages; evolution 3.18.4 - gnustep: dropped some FTBFS packages - kde4: 4.14.16 / 15.08.3+15.12.1 - kde5: 5.5.2 / 5.18.0 / 15.12.0 20160113: - Old New Year release - Firefox 43.0.4 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.82 - gnome3: updated packages - rescue: gdisk 1.0.1 20160106: - Christmas Eve release - added grub boot password support during installation (user "boot") - rescue: sleuthkit 4.2.0 20151230: - Firefox 43.0.1 - desktop images: NM 1.0.10 - enlightenment: 0.20.2, efl/elementary 1.16.1 - gnome3: updated packages - kde5: 5.5.2 / 5.17.0 / 15.12.0 20151223: - Linux 4.1.15 / 4.3.3 - grub2 with "boot" password support/fixes - enlightenment: 0.20.1 (terminology, that is harfbuzz, fixed!) - gnome3: updated packages (more 3.18.3 ones) - icewm: 1.3.12 - lxqt: kf5 5.17.0 - kde4: 4.14.15 - kde5: 5.5.1 / 5.17.0 / 15.08.3 (image rebuilt by hand) 20151216: - Linux 4.1.14 / 4.3.3 - glibc 2.22 - bash 3.2.57 - cinnamon, enlightenment, lxde: libfreetype-infinality 2.6.2 - cinnamon: 2.8.6 20151209: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.81 - gnome3: updated packages - kde4: added Russian translation to rekonq (thanks Koi@forum) - rescue: partclone 0.2.84; added hashcat (rebuilt with forgotten commit) 20151202: - xorg 1.18.0 - Mesa 11.0.6 - perl 5.22.0 - iproute2 4.3.0 - NetworkManager 1.0.8 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.80 - enlightenment: 0.20.0 (not marked as tested due to terminology font bug) 20151125: - Linux 4.1.13 / 4.3.0 - shadow 4.2.1 - cinnamon: 2.8.5 - gnome3, kde4: updated packages 20151118: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.79 - cinnamon: 2.8.4+; moved to std-def - enlightenment: 0.20.0-rc - gnome3: 3.18.3; moved to un-def - kde4: 4.14.14 / 15.08.3 - kde5: 5.4.3 / 5.15.0 / 15.08.3 - alpha: rescue with Linux 4.3.0 20151111: - Linux 4.1.13 / 4.2.6 - Firefox 42 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.78 - ALSA 1.1.0 - enlightenment, gnome3, kde4, kde5, mate: updated packages - icewm, wmaker: rebuilt by hand to catch hot-off-the-press Seamonkey 2.39 20151104: - Russia's Unity Day release - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.77+ (see tag) - os-prober 1.70 (win10 detection) - desktop images: initial NTP support - NetworkManager 1.0.6+ - cinnamon: 2.8.2 - e19: retired - enlightenment: 0.20.0 beta / EFL 1.16.0 beta3 - gnome3: added flashback session type - kde5: moved from alpha to proper regular builds - lxqt: 0.10.0; Qupzilla 1.8.8 - mate: 1.10 - this snapshot finally marked as tested again, hooray! (see BUGS fixed) 20151028: - Linux 4.1.12 / 4.2.5 - cinnamon: 2.8.0 - icewm: gparted 0.24.0 - gnome3, lxqt, kde4: updated packages 20151021: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.77 - Firefox 41.0.2 - gnome3, kde4: updated packages 20151014: - Pokrov release - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.76 - gnome3: 3.18.1 - icewm, wmaker: seamonkey 2.38 20151007: - Linux 4.1.10 / 4.2.3 - icewm: packages switched to githubmod (thanks jinn@) - lxqt: KF5 5.14 / 5.4.2, Qupzilla 1.8.7 - alpha: kde5: updated packages 20150929: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.75 - Firefox 41 - gnome3: 3.18.0 - kde4: updated packages - alpha: server-samba4 (samba-DC 4.3.0) 20150923: - Linux 3.18.21 / 4.1.6 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.74+ - cinnamon: rebuilt by hand, i586 image lost repo sync race - e19: terminology 0.9.1 - alpha: kde5, leechcraft 20150916: - Linux 3.14.52 / 4.1.6 - systemd 226 - zsh 5.1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.74 - kde4: updated packages 20150909: - systemd 225 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.73+ - cinnamon: 2.6.13 - cinnamon, lxde: initial vietnamese/korean/chinese input methods support - e19: terminology 0.9.0 - rescue: added smartcard tools 20150902: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.72 - updated virtualbox modules to 4.3.30 - e19: EFL 1.15.1, E - gnome3: updated packages - kde4: updated packages 20150826: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.71+ - lxqt: KF5 5.13 20150819: - Linux 3.14.51 / 4.1.6 - Firefox 40.0.2 - wmaker: 0.95.7 20150812: - Linux 3.14.49 / 4.0.9 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.71 - systemd 224 - Firefox 39.0.3 - e19: EFL 1.15.0, E - gnome3: evolution 3.16.5 - kde4: kdenlive removed (it's kde5 now) 20150805: - Linux 3.14.49 / 4.0.8 - lxde: updated icon theme - lxqt: KF5 dbus-related changes 20150729: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.70+ - e19: EFL 1.15.0 beta2, E - rescue: added wireless packages 20150722: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.70 - cinnamon: 2.6.13 - kde4: more updates to 4.14.10 20150715: - Linux 3.14.48 / 4.0.8 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.69+ - lxqt: qt 5.5.0, kf5 5.12.0 - kde4: 15.4.3 / 4.14.10 20150708: - Linux 3.14.47 / 4.0.7 - cinnamon: 2.6.12 - gnome3: updated packages (shell 3.16.3) - lxqt: KF5 5.11 20150701: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.69 - plymouth 0.9.2+ - cinnamon: 2.6.9 - e19: updated libraries (1.14.2) 20150624: - Linux 3.14.45 / 4.0.6 - systemd 221 (further regressions, see BUGS) - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.68+ - not marked as tested due to known regressions 20150617: - Linux 3.14.44 / 4.0.5 - systemd 220 (some regressions, see BUGS) - Firefox 38.0.6 - freetype 2.6.0 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.67+ - cinnamon: 2.6.8 - gnome3: added xcalib - kde4: partial update to 15.4.2 / 4.14.9 - xfce4: better terminal fonts 20150610: - Linux 3.14.43 / 4.0.5 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.67 - cinnamon: 2.6.7 - e19: updated to 0.19.99_1734fcaa - lxqt: rebuilt by hand upon qt5*-5.4.2 build completion (see BUGS) - rescue: smartmontools 6.4 20150603: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.66 - cinnamon: 2.6.3 - icewm: reworked startup (by jinn@) - rescue: added remote mode (dhcpcd+apg+sshd) - NB: only cinnamon and rescue marked as tested, see BUGS 20150526: - Firefox 38.0.1 - cinnamon: 2.6.2 20150520: - Linux 3.14.43 / 3.19.8 - Mesa 10.5.5 - gnome3: 3.16.2; more updated packages - kde4: 15.4.1 / 4.14.8 - lxqt: KF5 5.10 - xfce: updated packages - desktop images: lightdm 1.14.0 20150513: - Linux 3.14.41 / 3.19.7 - e19: 0.19.99 (libraries: 1.14.0) - gnome3: updated packages (3.16.2); gtk+3 3.16.3 - rescue: testdisk 7.0 - desktop images: NM 1.0.2 20150506: - Linux 3.14.39 / 3.19.6 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.65 20150429: - Linux 3.14.39 / 3.19.5 - Firefox 37.0.2 - kde4: packages updated to 15.4.0 / 4.14.7 20150422: - Linux 3.14.38 / 3.19.5 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.64 - gnome3: 3.16.1 - kde4: updated packages - rescue: i586 image rebuilt by hand due to a race 20150415: - Linux 3.14.38 / 3.19.4 - Mesa 10.5.3 - Firefox 37.0.1 - gnome3: updated packages (3.16.1); gtk+3 3.16.2 - lxqt: updated KF5 packages to 5.9.0 - NB: this time I can't test the images as usual, happy Easter week! 20150408: - cinnamon: 2.4.7 - gnome3: gtk+3 3.16.1 - kde4: updated packages - lxqt: updated KF5 packages to 5.8.0 20150401: - Linux 3.14.37 / 3.19.3 - Mesa 10.5.2 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.63 - cinnamon: updated packages - icewm, wmaker: seamonkey 2.33 - gnome3: 3.16.0 - kde4: calligra 2.9.1 20150325: - Linux 3.14.36 / 3.19.2 - Firefox 36.0.4 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.62 - xfce: xfdesktop 4.12.1 20150318: - Mesa 10.5.1 - kde4: 14.12.3 / 4.14.6 (build broke due to #30832, rebuilt by hand) - xfce: xfwm4 4.12.2; updated packages 20150311: - Linux 3.14.35 (with SECCOMP_FILTER_FLAG_TSYNC) / 3.19.1 - Mesa 10.5.0 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.61 - desktop images: added inconsolata, terminus fonts - icewm: added lftp and xpra/winswitch ("screen for X") - lxqt: "fixed" cool-retro-term font rendering by adding liberation fonts - tde: added liberation fonts to counter URW effects either - xfce: 4.12.0 20150304: - Linux 3.14.34 / 3.19.0 - systemd 219 (NB: breaks livecd-install, see BUGS) - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.60 - e19: 0.19.4 20150225: - Mesa 10.4.5 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.59+ - gnome3, kde4, xfce: updated packages 20150218: - Linux 3.14.33 / 3.19.0 - xorg-server 1.16.4 - NetworkManager 1.0 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.58 - e19: terminology 0.8.0 - icewm: 1.3.8 - xfce: xfwm4 4.11.3 20150211: - Linux 3.14.32 / 3.18.6 - Mesa 10.4.4 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.57 - icewm: updated metapackage and default theme - kde4: 14.12.2 / 4.14.5 - lxqt: 0.9.0 (Qt5) 20150204: - Linux 3.14.31 / 3.18.5 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.56 - Firefox 35.0.1 - kde4: 14.12.1 (some packages are 4.14.4 or so) 20150128: - Mesa 10.4.3 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.55 - e19: 0.19.3 - gnome3: more packages; consider initial setup as done again - kde4: 4.14.4 (partial update) - lxqt: recent cool-retro-term, Qupzilla, quiterss 20150121: - Linux 3.14.29 / 3.18.3 - cinnamon: 2.4.6 20150114: - Old New Year release - Linux 3.14.28 / 3.18.2 - Mesa 10.4.2 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.54+ - rescue: whdd 2.2; added doc*/rtf parsers 20150107: - Christmas release - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.54 20141231: - goodbye 2014 release :) - Mesa 10.4.1 - xfce: updated plugins 20141224: - Linux 3.14.27 / 3.18.1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.53+ - added servicectl - gnome3: 3.14.3 - e19: 0.19.2 - tde: added k{cpu,net}load 20141217: - Linux 3.14.26 / 3.18.0 - Mesa 10.4.0 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.53 - lxqt: fixed default session upon installation 20141210: - Linux 3.14.26 / 3.17.6 / 3.15.10 - xorg-server 1.16.3 RC1 - Mesa 10.3.5 - Firefox 34 20141203: - cinnamon: 2.4.5 20141126: - Linux 3.14.25 / 3.17.4 / 3.15.10 - Mesa 10.3.4 - Firefox 33.1.1 - cinnamon: 2.4.4 20141119: - Linux 3.14.24 / 3.17.3 / 3.15.10 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.52 - kde4: 4.14.3 - lxqt: qterminal 0.6.0 20141112: - xorg-server 1.16.2, Mesa 10.3.3 - systemd 217 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.51 - cinnamon: 2.4.2 - gnome3: updated packages (mostly to 3.14.2) 20141105: - Linux 3.14.23 / 3.17.2 / 3.15.10 20141029: - Linux 3.14.22 / 3.17.1 / 3.15.10 - xorg-server 1.16.1, Mesa 10.3.2 - Firefox 33 - icewm, wmaker: seamonkey 2.30 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.50 20141022: - Linux 3.14.22 / 3.16.6 / 3.15.10 - e19: 0.19.1 20141015: - Linux 3.14.21 / 3.16.5 / 3.15.10 - Mesa 10.3.1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.49+ - gnome3: 3.14.1; evolution 3.12.7 - kde4: 4.14.2 - lxqt: 0.8.0 20141008: - Linux 3.14.20 / 3.16.4 / 3.15.10 - Firefox 32.0.3 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.48+ - lxqt: added cool-retro-term, qpdfview - xfce: added xfdashboard and whiskermenu 20141001: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.48 - gnome3: 3.14.0 (no more llvmpipe though, see BUGS) - rescue: working fuse-zfs (#30364) 20140924: - Linux 3.14.19 / 3.16.3 / 3.15.10 - Mesa 10.2.8 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.47 - e19: 0.19.0; added rage media player 20140917: - systemd 216 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.46 - xfce: xfdesktop 4.11.8 20140910: - Linux 3.14.18 / 3.16.2 / 3.15.10 - Mesa 10.2.7 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.45 - wmaker: 0.95.6 20140903: - Linux 3.12.27 / 3.16.1 / 3.15.10 - lxqt: pcmanfm-qt 0.8.0 20140827: - Mesa 10.2.6 - cinnamon: 2.2.16 - kde4: i18n updated to 4.14.0 - lxde: lxpanel 0.7.0, pcmanfm 1.2.2 20140820: - Linux 3.12.26 / 3.15.10 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.44+ - use adobe-source fonts instead of dejavu - kde4: 4.14.0 20140813: - Linux 3.12.25 / 3.15.8 / 3.15.9 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.43+ 20140806: - Linux 3.12.25 / 3.15.8 - Mesa 10.2.5 - Firefox 31 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.43 20140730: - Linux 3.12.24 / 3.15.5 / 3.15.6 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.42 20140723: - Mesa 10.2.4 - cinnamon: updated packages 20140716: - Linux 3.12.24 / 3.15.4 / 3.15.5 - kde4: 4.13.3 20140709: - Linux 3.12.24 / 3.15.4 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.41 20140702: - Linux 3.12.23 / 3.15.2 - Mesa 10.2.2 - systemd 214, NM 0.9.10-rc1 (+task#122772); see BUGS - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.40+ - kde4, tde: fails to auto-start graphics (thus reverted current to last week) - lxqt: moved from etcnet to NM for the time being 20140625: - Linux 3.12.22 / 3.14.8 / 3.15.1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.39+ - m-p docs now auto-published at http://nightly.altlinux.org/docs/ - kde4: 4.13.2 - sorry for intermittent 404s 20140618: - Linux 3.12.22 / 3.14.7 / 3.15.1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.39 - fixed mdraid installation, grub cfg off-the-usbflash 20140611: - Linux 3.12.21 / 3.14.6 - Mesa 10.2.1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.38++ - icewm: browser available via toolbar again 20140603: - Linux 3.12.21 / 3.14.5 - memtest86+ 5.01 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.38+ - cinnamon: updated packages - icewm: added gparted 20140528: - Linux 3.12.20 / 3.14.4 - Mesa 10.1.4 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.37 - cinnamon: updated packages - icewm, wmaker: seamonkey as the browser - gnome3: epiphany as the browser - gnustep, tde, xfce: use classic firefox theme - kde4: rekonq and konqueror as browsers - lxqt: Qupzilla as the browser; added quiterss 20140521: - Linux 3.14.4 / / 3.12.20 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.36 - dropped krb5-ticket-watcher from most flavours 20140515: - Linux 3.14.4 / / 3.12.19 - kde4: 4.13.1 - lxqt: initial release (0.7.0 packages) - razorqt: retired accordingly 20140514: - Linux 3.14.3 / / 3.12.19 - Mesa 10.1.3 - Firefox 29.0.1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.35+ - cinnamon: updated packages - kde4, mate, xfce: krb5-ticket-watcher left in (dropped from the rest) - rescue: more tools by Joachim Metz (via Maxim Suhanov) - wmaker: use led-ws kernel 20140507: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.34+ - Mesa 10.1.2 - cinnamon: updated packages - gnome3: x86_64-only manual release (see #29979) so far - rescue: couple more forensic scripts (Maxim Suhanov) 20140430: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.33+ - UEFI: secondary (scanning) refind instance switched to text - kde4: kde4-plasma-nm plugins (VPN, mobile broadband...) - rescue: UTF-8 locale; forensic mode supported in UEFI 20140429: - Linux 3.12.18 / 3.13.11 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.33 - network setup tweaks, please report anything broken - kde4: more 4.13.0 packages, amarok 2.8.0 20140423: - Linux 3.12.17 / 3.13.10 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.32 - desktops: less flicker during boot (X at tty1) - cinnamon: 2.2.3-git - gnome3: suspended build (#29979), see archive - kde4: partial update to 4.13.0 - rescue: forensic mode hardening (Maxim Suhanov), more tools 20140416: - Linux 3.10.36 / 3.12.17 / 3.13.9 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.31+ - cinnamon: 2.2 - rescue: initial forensic mode 20140409: - Linux 3.10.36 / 3.12.16 / 3.13.9 - lightdm 1.9.13 - cinnamon: uses GNOME 3.12.0 (see BUGS) - gnome3: 3.12.0 (shell/fallback modes dance again) 20140402: - Firefox 28 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.29+ - gnustep: use gdm2.20, added mediacheck boot target - kde4: 4.12.4 20140326: - Linux 3.10.34 / 3.13.7 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.28 - mate: partial update to 1.8.0 (might be somewhat broken) 20140319: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.27+ - do not provide kernel-modules-r8168 by default instead of r8168 - cinnamon: moved to un-def kernel for newer intel kms driver - gnustep, wmaker: replaced lightdm with autologin+wdm - kde4: 4.12.3, plasma NM applet missing, images rebuilt 20140312: - Linux 3.10.33 / 3.13.6 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.26 - all images have passed my basic QA this time - Mesa 10.1 - e18: 0.18.5, terminology 0.5.0 - gnustep: updated packages - kde4: partial update to 4.12.3 20140305: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.25+ - systemd 210: major regressions, especially on i586 (see BUGS) - NB: only sysvinit-based images promoted as "tested" - gnustep: new flavour based on wmaker 20140226: - Linux 3.10.32 / 3.13.5 - gnome: shell 3.10.4 20140219: - Linux 3.10.30 / 3.13.3 - Firefox 27 - tde: minor fixes - http://youtu.be/STELGRzBTMQ 20140212: - Linux 3.10.29 / 3.13.2 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.24 - kde4: 4.12.2 - updated gfxboot translations and license agreement 20140205: - Linux 3.10.28 / 3.13.1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.23+ - kde4: partial update to 4.12.2 20140129: - Linux 3.10.28 / 3.13.0 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.22+ - e18: 0.18.3 20140122: - Linux 3.10.27 / 3.12.8 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.21 - e18: connman applet is back! (thx manowar@) - gnome3: 3.10.3; "classic" session on relogin either (thx aris@) - kde4: 4.11.5 20140115: - Linux 3.10.26 / 3.12.7 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.20 - kde4: updated to 4.11.5 20140108: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.19 - merry Christmas! 20140101: - Firefox 26 - e18: 0.18.2 20131225: - Linux 3.10.25 / 3.12.6 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.18+ - UEFI support includes official signed packages - e18: 0.18.0 release - rescue: added UEFI memtest86 20131218: - Linux 3.10.24 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.17 - Mesa 10.0.1 - e18: 0.18.0-rc2 - kde4: updated to 4.11.4 20131211: - Linux 3.10.22 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.16+ - e17 build is gone, meet e18 20131204: - Linux 3.10.21 - icewm, rescue: 3.12 kernel w/o aufs won't work, images rebuilt - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.15+ - cinnamon: updated packages 20131128: - win8 UEFI SB dualboot works 20131127: - Linux 3.10.20 / 3.11.9 - Firefox 25.0.1 - initial SekirBoot support with ALT certs - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.14 20131120: - Linux 3.10.19 - cinnamon: updated to 2.0.12 - gnome3: further updated to 3.10.2 20131113: - cinnamon: updated to 2.0.10 - e17: updated to 0.17.5 - gnome3: partially updated to 3.10.2 - kde4: updated translations and a few packages 20131106: - Linux 3.10.18 / 3.11.7 - Firefox 25 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.13+ - wmaker: added gfxboot menu 20131030: - Firefox 24 20131023: - Linux 3.10.17 / 3.11.6 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.12 - gnome3: even more packages updated to 3.10.1 - wmaker: initial release 20131016: - Linux 3.10.16 / 3.11.5 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.11 - cinnamon: updated to 2.0.2 - gnome3: more packages updated to 3.10.1 20131009: - Linux 3.10.15 - systemd 208 20131002: - Linux 3.10.13 - systemd 207 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.10 - cinnamon, gnome3: updated to GNOME 3.10 - xfce: xfdesktop updated to 4.11, might be problematic 20130925: - icewm, rescue: Linux 3.11.1 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.9 - UEFI booted images have proper locale too 20130918: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.8+ - automated release lost a race against updated livecd-setlocale (#28991) - all images rebuilt with local repo consisting of livecd-setlocale-0.3.1-alt2 - icewm, rescue: temporarily switched from un-def to std-def (aufs) - kde4: updated to 4.11.1 20130911: - Linux 3.10.11 20130904: - Linux 3.10.10 20130828: - Linux 3.10.8 - e17: poweroff from menu works again 20130821: - Linux 3.10.7 - Firefox 23 - gnome3, mate: slightly updated packages 20130814: - Linux 3.10.6 - systemd 206 :( - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.6 20130807: - Linux 3.10.5 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.5 - tde: packages use arts again 20130731: - Linux 3.10.4 - rescue: smartmontools update to 6.2 20130724: - Linux 3.10.2 (NB: known #29219 with intel graphics) - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.3+ - tde: replaced NM with plain /etc/net, added OpenSCADA and amarok 20130717: - Linux 3.9.10 20130710: - Linux 3.9.9 - kde4: more complete update to 4.10.5 - tde: update to 20130703: - Linux 3.9.8 - Firefox 22 - kde4: partial update to 4.10.5 20130626: - Linux 3.9.7 - xfce: rebuilt to add missing NM 20130619: - Linux 3.9.6 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.1.0-alt1, hooray! 20130612: - Linux 3.9.5 - Firefox 21 - serial wacom tablets should work out-of-box (#26724) - mate is missing indeed 20130529: - Linux 3.9.4 20130522: - Linux 3.9.3 - gnome3, kde4: more complete update of package sets 20130515: - Linux 3.9.2 - added MD RAID support - gnome3: 3.8.2; re-added plymouth splashscreen; tweaked dm startup - kde4: 4.10.3 20130508: - Linux 3.8.11 - finally fixed the virtualbox issue (see #28782, #27340) - added bash-completion and LVM support, thanks for feedback 20130501: - dropped due to the lack of changes and a known vulnerable kernel 20130424: - extended vbox AIGLX workaround to persist in installed system 20130423: - Linux 3.8.8 - gnome3: 3.8.1 - worked around vboxdrv problem with AIGLX by disabling it (#28782) - reduced rescue component of the desktop images to reasonable set 20130417: - Linux 3.8.7, firefox 20.0 - x86_64: graphics in EFI mode of virtualbox not supported at the moment - mate: 1.6.0 20130410: - Linux 3.8.6 - kde4: 4.10.2 - gnome3: 3.8.0 - cinnamon: currently unavailable for GNOME 3.8 thus withdrawn - mate: currently unavailable too (1.6 transition in progress) - e17: image withdrawn due to a (trivial) blocker, see #28823 20130403: - disabled virtualbox video driver again (use vesa), see #28782 20130402: - Linux 3.8.5 - rescue: added mcelog - tde: supposedly fixed media (e.g. usbflash) mounts 20130326: - initial Kazakh language support - online apt repositories are now configured unconditionally - added exfat support (via fuse, untested) - ensured that cpufreq tuning service gets started - gnome3: added missing multimedia packages - icewm: considerable amount of tweaks thanks to forum feedback 20130320: - i586: "rw slice" made optional (boots in roughly twice the time) - vboxdrv fixed 20130319: - i586: introduced "rw slice" when run off usbflash (#28289) 20130313: - firefox 19.0.2 - added alterator modules (including FAT support for alterator-vm) - tweaked wallpaper to align better with NE corner widgets - razorqt: replaced arora with Qupzilla (a fresh one) - kde4: removed duplicate synaptic helper package - cinnamon, gnome3: re-released with fbdev/vbox workaround 20130308: - kde4: fixed splash wallpaper size issue 20130307: - kde4: a bit more updated to 4.10.1, see BUGS 20130306: - oops, fixed overly greedy redirect-to-wiki - Mesa 9.1 (NB: some regressions might occur) - firefox 19.0.1 - kde4: partially updated to KDE 4.10.1 - icewm: added deepsolver preview (NB: metadata might lag) - rescue: added HDT - lxde: infinality font configuration, please provide feedback 20130304: - rescue: initial release 20130303: - kde4: introduced fontconfig setup (#28612) 20130301: - lxde: added NetworkManager 20130228: - fixed grub installation into a partition (#28600) - kde4: added pulseaudio and a few others by zerg@'s request 20130227: - lxde: initial build - tde: packages updated to current 3.5.13-sru branch - icewm: sysvinit, text syslinux menu 20130226: - tomorrow's "RC" builds with all the current fixes - built with xorriso 1.2.6 - kernels include CVE-2013-1763 patch 20130221: - icewm: 3.8.0 kernel; refind boots elilo (UEFI SB) - mate: a few more 1.5 related updates/tweaks - added r8168 kernel driver 20130220: - added os-prober, sudo, eepm (thx for feedback) - cinnamon: fontconfig-infinality and cantarell fonts - razorqt: native lightdm greeter - mate: continuing migration to 1.5 package set (vfs dropped) 20130213: - cinnamon, gnome3: fixed gdm/xauth issue (#28537) - e17: updated to 0.17.1 20130212: initial release - cinnamon, gnome3: there are known issues, see BUGS - e17: initial setup is a bit tedious but worth the trouble - icewm: has refind and MokManager onboard (UEFI SB) - kde4: desktop background is a known bug - razorqt: uses kdm4 (lightdm-razorqt-greeter in the works) - xfce: no NetworkManager, might be added later