20230301(beta): - built using mkimage-profiles 1.5.2+, mkimage 0.2.45 - Linux 5.15.94 - systemd 249.14 - Mesa 22.3.1 - qt5 5.15.7 - Firefox ESR 102.7.0 20221209: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.4.35+, mkimage 0.2.45 - Linux 5.10.156 / 5.15.80 - make-initrd 2.31.0 - firmware-linux 20221031 - systemd 249.13 - Firefox ESR 102.4.0 - qt5 5.15.6 - lxqt 1.2 - Mate 1.26 - NetworkManager 1.32.13 20220910: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.4.33, mkimage 0.2.45 - Linux 5.10.137 / 5.15.63 - make-initrd 2.27.1 - Firefox ESR 91.10 - xfce: 4.16.5 - builder: disable kill user process 20220612: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.4.30, mkimage 0.2.44 - Linux 5.10.118 / 5.15.46 - systemd 249.12 - make-initrd 2.26.0 - Mesa 22.0.4 - lxqt: 1.1 - Firefox ESR 91.10 20220311: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.4.27, mkimage 0.2.44 - Linux 5.10.102 / 5.15.25 - firmware-linux 20211216 - systemd 249.9 - make-initrd 2.25.0 - Firefox ESR 91.6.0 20211212: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.4.22, mkimage 0.2.44 - Linux 5.10.82 / 5.14.21 - systemd 249.5 - Firefox ESR 91.3 - NetworkManager 1.32.12 - lxqt: 1.0 - builder: add NetworkManager 20210916 (beta mcom02): - for mcom02 only 20210912: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.4.17+, mkimage 0.2.43 - Linux 5.10.62 / 5.13.14 / 5.13.4 - make-initrd 2.22.0 - xorg-server 1.20.13, Mesa 21.1.5 - NetworkManager 1.32.10 - desktop images: Firefox ESR 78.13 20210805: - alt-p10-starterkits - built using mkimage-profiles 1.4.14+, mkimage 0.2.43 - Linux 5.10.54 / 5.12.19 / 5.13.4 - firmware-linux 20210719 - make-initrd 2.19.1 - xorg-server 1.20.11, Mesa 21.1.5 - systemd 249.1 - desktop images: Firefox ESR 78.12 - gtk4 4.2.1, gtk+3 3.24.29, qt 5.15.2 - lxqt 0.17.0 - mate 1.24.1 - xfce 4.16.3 - u-boot 2021.07 20210612: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.4.13+, mkimage 0.2.41 - Linux 5.4.124 / 5.10.42 - firmware-linux 20210518 - make-initrd 2.16 - systemd 246 - Mesa 21.0.3 - desktop images: Firefox ESR 78.11 20200312: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.4.7+ - Linux 5.4.104 / 5.10.20 / 5.10.16 - Raspberry Pi: Linux 5.10.20 / 5.4.83 - u-boot: 2021.01 - desktop images: Firefox 82 20201212: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.4.5+ - Linux 5.4.81 / 5.7.19 / 5.4.64 / 5.8.16 - xorg-server 1.20.8, Mesa 20.1.8 - desktop images: Firefox ESR 78.5.0 - server: samba 4.12.10, php 7.3.25 20200912: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.4.2+ - Linux 5.4.62/5.7.19 - xfce: Linux 5.4.60/5.7.16 - Raspberry Pi: Linux 5.4.59/5.7.8 - Mesa 20.1.1 - desktop images: Firefox ESR 68.9.0, Qt5 5.12.9 20200612: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.15+ - Linux 5.4.44 / 5.6.16 - Mesa 19.2.2 - desktop images: Firefox ESR 68.9.0 - Qt5 5.12.8 - lxqt: 0.15.1 20200312: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.15+ - Mesa 19.2.8 - desktop images: Firefox ESR 68.5.0 - lxde, lxqt, mate: mpv back again - Qt5 5.12.7 20191212: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.15+ - Linux 4.19.84 / 5.2.16 - u-boot 2019.07 - Mesa 19.1.8 - lxde, lxqt: replace mpv to smplayer - mate: replace mpv to mplayer - gtk+3 3.24.11, Qt 5.12.5, python 3.7.4 - icewm-sysv: drop elogind - desktop images: Firefox ESR 68.2.0 - renamed: alt-p9-icewm -> alt-p9-icewm-sysv - rootfs: create symlinks: /var/run -> ../run /var/lock -> ../run/lock 20190912: - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.12+ - Linux 4.19.72 / 5.1.16 - Mesa 19.1.5 - desktop: firefox-esr 68.1.0; added NetworkManager-l2tp - icewm: 1.6.1 - xfce 4.14 20190802 mcom02 - kernel-image-mcom02 - u-boot-mcom02 2019.01.0.6 - firefox 68.0.1 20190627 - kernel-image-mp 5.1.12 - xorg-server 1.20.4, Mesa 19.0.5 - built using mkimage-profiles 1.3.10+ - desktop images: Firefox ESR 60.7.2, NetworkManager 1.18.0 - systemd 242 - elogind 241.2 - gtk+3 3.24.8, Qt 5.12.3 - python 3.7.3 - u-boot 2019.04 - lxde: pcmafm 1.3.1, lxpanel 0.10 - lxqt 0.14.1 - mate: 1.22.1 - xfce: 4.13.4